Thursday, December 26, 2019

Communication in Law Enforcement - 912 Words

Communication in Law Enforcement Discussion Board 2 Liberty University CJUS 520-B07 Ray Kirby How can communication be improved in an organization that is structured in a traditional bureaucratic form? To understand how communication can improve within a traditional bureaucratic criminal justice system, one must understand the structure and how communication is dispersed within the respective criminal justice agencies. It is also important to realize that each agency or criminal justice organization has policy and procedures governing how communication is transmitted. (Stojkovic, Stan, Kalinch, David, Klofas, 2012) Within law enforcement agencies information is passed either up or down the chain of command. Meaning†¦show more content†¦Additionally, better understanding of these barriers by top-level managers within the organization will allow for better formalization of communications. These barriers include: 1. Preconceived ideas 2. Denial of contrary information 3. Us of personalized meanings 4. Lack of motivation or interest 5. Non-credibility of the source 6. Lack of communication skills 7. Poor organizational climate 8. Use of complex channels 9. Communication gap (Stojkovic, Stan, Kalinch, David, Klofas, 2012) The understanding of those barriers to which prevent information from being received can allow for better communication throughout the department. How might computerized communication be utilized to improve the effectiveness of communication in a bureaucratic organization? Computerized communication within law enforcement has and will continue to improve law enforcement as the technology is implemented and utilized within these agencies. The utilization of such devices as mobile data terminals (MDT’s) has given the average patrol officer access to enormous amounts of information. 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