Saturday, January 4, 2020

Struggle To Achieve The American Dream - 1777 Words

â€Å"It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain the fullest stature of which they are innately capable†(Adams). The dream discussed in this quote is called the American Dream. The American Dream is meant to be accessible by every American citizen but history has shown that this is not necessarily true. People have struggled to achieve the American Dream throughout history mainly because of racial discrimination and socioeconomic discrimination. One of the main reasons that people have struggled to achieve the American Dream for hundreds of years is because of race. Prior to the creation of the United States, colonists brought slaves to America†¦show more content†¦Also, an Irish girl named Rose arrived in America and was met with discrimination for being Irish. While looking for work, a man told Rose â€Å"There’s a boatload of you greenhorns landing every day, an d you all think you re going to make a fortune in America. Well, don t hold your breath, girlie, because it s not going to happen†(Auch 68).The man made assumptions about Rose and made her feel worthless. Many other Irish people were subject to this type of discrimination at the time. Throughout history, people from different racial or ethnic backgrounds have faced many challenges to try and live a good life. Another main reason that people have been discriminated against is because of their socioeconomic status. People have lived in poverty throughout the history of America. These people are often looked down upon because wealthier Americans see them as inferior to themselves. During the Dust Bowl in America, the Joad family moved west to try and find a better life in California. They were met with discrimination because they were Okies. While bathing in a river, a man told the family that â€Å"Well, Okie use ta mean you was from Oklahoma. Now it means. . .you re scum†(Steinbeck 205-206). The Joads faced discrimination for being poor Okies looking for a new life in California. Another family was subject to similar discrimination while in America. The Younger family lived in an apartment and had a dream to live in a house in a White neighborhood.Show MoreRelatedLorraine Hansberry s A Raisin1278 Words   |  6 Pagesrepresent the play s theme. The play focused on black American struggles to reach the American Dream of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness during the 1950’s and the 1960’s. The idea of everyone having the chance to achieve a better life should exist for all. Hansberry created her title using a line from Langston Hughes’ poem â€Å"A Dream Deferred† the original poem was written in 1951 about Harlem. 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