Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Social Media Abuse And Addiction free essay sample

Many dangerous are associated with this condition ranging from numerous disorders such as depression or social anxiety and shockingly even a number of recorded deaths. Though technology has become a predominant part of our life, regulation or moderation is necessary because social media abuse has become more common leading to clinical depression, social anxiety, and a number of recent discoveries including (SHAM) Social media anxiety disorder and (DAD) Internet Addiction disorder. Why do individuals feel the need to share every detail about their personal life on social media sites such as Twitter or Backbone?This is the primary question being researched at Harvard University, attempting to learn more about how this affects the brain, and what motivates those who are involved in the study. Studies prove the direct relation between social media abuse and the addiction chemical known as dopamine, and the effects that it has on the brain. This response, which is triggered, provides the same reaction as positive activities such as making money, eating food, or even sexual intercourse. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Media Abuse And Addiction or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page To monitor the reactions they used advanced equipment such as a MR. machine to scan and locate the specific part of the brain that deals with his response.Researchers noticed an increased amount of abnormal activity in the frontal cortex region of the brain, the area located directly behind the eyes. This indicates an altered chemical state as compared to other forms of addiction such as heroin or alcohol abuse, providing similar results. A secondary experiment was preformed providing similar results showed that individuals gain a sense of reward when sharing a personal accomplishment, task, or ideas with others, proving empathy plays a major role in this category.Diana Tamari, the lead researcher concluded, I think the study helps o explain why people utilize social media websites so often. I think it helps explain why Twitter exists and why Backbone is so popular, because people enjoy sharing information about each other. One result from the extensive studies was the discovery of the psychological disorder known as Internet Addiction Disorder or (DAD). DAD compared to a form of substance abuse results from a similar chemical imbalance, triggered from a happy response.Typically people start out as a casual user then escalate forming a habit, spending the majority of their time on social networks, emails or other websites. It begins interfere with everyday life, including work, school, even social life, creating a second world as an escape from everyday life. Many researchers see this as an individuals way to elude stress, complications, or just to get away. A definite change of mood is observed, beginning with a chemical imbalance leading to possible outside effects on personality or motor skills. As mentioned about SHAM, individuals when confronted by licensed therapist or psychologists attempt to downplay the situation or avoid the topic similar to other chemical dependencies. A few of the negative behaviors include isolation, neglect from tidies/work or even family, and the inability to find pleasure in the real world, as defined in recoverys. Org. 90 percent of the behaviors listed were associated with other dependencies such as drugs or alcohol. Even with these statistics, why is Internet Addiction Disorder not approached with the same assertiveness and timely response as drugs or alcohol, even though the effects are exactly the same? Addiction is the key word in most of the studies conducted, concluding that many individuals are physically not able to walk away from their computers, televisions, I pads, and smartness, constantly being connected. As previously mentioned new disorders are currently being researched including Social Media Anxiety disorder or SHAM. A self-help booklet was found explaining the root causes and how to cope with the addiction when it become too much.However, again many are reluctant to admit to their addiction, no different than alcoholics. Stefan Hoffman, the director of Social Anxiety programs at Boston University explains the root of this disorder, the pressure to reads and respond on Backbone and Twitter and for younger people the stress comes from increased peer pressure as friends share perso nal information online. Individuals feel inclined to post pictures, status updates, and synopsis of every day events and in return expect a flood of response from connected individuals to fuel their anxiety.In other countries, addiction is running ramped, such as Korea where individuals are attended Social Media Boot camp to break their habits Another topic on everyones political agenda these days is the misuse of video games, and if video games create a track record of violence. Many researchers have theories that over time a violent video game can alter a persons behavior, more notably a child. The massacre at Columbine was associated with violent media, as two teens went on a killing spree at a local high school. However as of today, 90 percent of children in American still play video games without much retaliation.While studies may not conclude as of now if there is a link between violence and media, researchers are able to prove that media altars you state of mind over time. Major corporations use advertisements geared towards individuals to place ideas or wants in the brain, similar to media. A study completed surveying numerous amounts of youths concluded that the game environment and character influenced game play. Children were recorded playing certain characters such as superman and the joker. When playing a Hero, researchers noticed that the subjects tended to possess more noble characteristics such as saving lives and helping others.When playing a character such as the joker or villain, they tended to destroy or even kill others proving the hypothesis. Recent studies completed by the American Psychology Association, (PAP) have shown realistic effects cause by video games and media, overused by children. They also were able use these statistics to validate a new psychological addition known as Internet Addiction Disorder or DAD. The effects of this disorder include sickness or nausea, tremors and in some cases anxiety. Try removing a young gamer from a video game in a hurry.You will discover how difficult it is to break the attachment between the teen and the screen. (Illus.). These addicts are connected to their media on the same level as a person would be connected with a controlled substance. MR. scans now are able to show brain activity associated with the addiction leading experts to classify DAD clearly as substance abuse. Studies prove that certain characteristics are associated tit each individual such as the attempt to disconnect from real ¶y or create a getaway. In order to counter the negative media, programs have been created to inform and educate students and parents on the risks of media. They push the issue that kids today have more access at their fingertips than any other education, and with that power comes a need for knowledge. While many of these studies are directed towards adults, children are possibly even more affected by the negative effects of media. Pediatricians are working constantly educating parents, who are responsible for monitoring/ censoring content that their children are exposed to. Children are being exposed to media and content not suitable for their age, earlier and earlier in life, thanks to the advancement in advertisement, videotapes, and the ease of access to the virtual web.Some experts argue that children greatly benefit from the ease of connections to others helping develop social skills, and overall development. While this may be a valid reason, studies indicate that many students log into sights such as Backbone approximately 10 times a day, spending an average of two hours each day on this site alone. Moderation is definitely the ke y during this generation, however many parents use this to their advantage treating media as a babysitter, keeping their children engaged. While they are occupied, they are wasting valuable time that could be better spent reading, studying, or completing schoolwork, which in time is leading to a drop in scholastic achievement that is being seen throughout schools today. Statistics from a prior survey report that 97% Of parents always or sometimes are aware and monitor the games and content that their children are exposed to. However currently even adults spend the most time occupied in the virtual world. While violence is a major content concern, it may not be the most important reason while the ratings should be more closely monitored for younger adults.The top two reasons listed were that they are distracting and could possibly substitute for real life experiences. For those enrolled in school video games take the place of studying or reading a book and when homework is started, many feel too tired to focus or complete the work with the proper amount of effort. Many make the comparison between games and cartoons for e xample, however the interaction with games using a controller pulls an individual even further involved. Empathy also plays a large role in children as well when dealing with motives and making aggressive choices in certain games.When playing characters with moral characteristics such as superman, children were noticed to make more ethical choices rather than when they played evil characters such as the joker. Also particular games such as the Grand Theft Auto or Call of Duty franchise rates these games as mature for specific reasons, leading to a change in mental behavior in younger children. Studies indicate that violence may not be displayed physically as in the game, but a mental change can occur addicting ids, such as adrenaline rush would to the fast action, physical games.Many questions and statements are addressed to researchers pertaining to this issue especially with children. The most common include, the children grew up in the age of technology, and know that it is only a game, able to decipher between fiction and reality. When a child plays these games, their body goes thr ough a number of changes resulting from the stress, competition, and urge to win. These changes although not visible occur with the brain which could be equivalent to a minor form of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PATS) which effects their sleep pattern, and social skills.The game is designed to draw them in with the intense graphics, dramatic music, and stunning visual effects, making them unresponsive to the rest of the world. Many parents also believe they child is mature for his age and able to handle the mature material, rated by a panel of experts due to the graphic content. However many parents are not aware of the specifics of the game, unsure what their child is being exposed to and the harm that could occur. Therefore, everyone should be aware of the consequences ranging from their actions, and when a little becomes too much.Many years of research has been dedicated to solving the mysteries of how the Internet, television and cell phones are becoming peoples life. As previously mentioned this needs to begin with the children as they grow up in the info rmation age, learning the difference between moderation and abuse. Education programs should also be utilized that help inform parents and individuals of the risks and solutions. Expert opinions may always differ ranging from the benefits of media, but statistics continue to show the negative effects and visual data proving substance abuse is not only for hardcore drugs.

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