Thursday, December 26, 2019

Communication in Law Enforcement - 912 Words

Communication in Law Enforcement Discussion Board 2 Liberty University CJUS 520-B07 Ray Kirby How can communication be improved in an organization that is structured in a traditional bureaucratic form? To understand how communication can improve within a traditional bureaucratic criminal justice system, one must understand the structure and how communication is dispersed within the respective criminal justice agencies. It is also important to realize that each agency or criminal justice organization has policy and procedures governing how communication is transmitted. (Stojkovic, Stan, Kalinch, David, Klofas, 2012) Within law enforcement agencies information is passed either up or down the chain of command. Meaning†¦show more content†¦Additionally, better understanding of these barriers by top-level managers within the organization will allow for better formalization of communications. These barriers include: 1. Preconceived ideas 2. Denial of contrary information 3. Us of personalized meanings 4. Lack of motivation or interest 5. Non-credibility of the source 6. Lack of communication skills 7. Poor organizational climate 8. Use of complex channels 9. Communication gap (Stojkovic, Stan, Kalinch, David, Klofas, 2012) The understanding of those barriers to which prevent information from being received can allow for better communication throughout the department. How might computerized communication be utilized to improve the effectiveness of communication in a bureaucratic organization? Computerized communication within law enforcement has and will continue to improve law enforcement as the technology is implemented and utilized within these agencies. The utilization of such devices as mobile data terminals (MDT’s) has given the average patrol officer access to enormous amounts of information. Even in 1979, Computer and technology were said to â€Å"have the potential to aid in criminal justice activities through the rapid communication of accurate and complete information, and perhaps a more rational approach to decision-making† (Colton, 1979. P.19). Now in 2014, the computers andShow MoreRelatedPublic Policy Goals For Ip Voice Services Haven1032 Words   |  5 Pagesservices move freely across borders. Second, by understanding the bounds of governmental knowledge. Within the current climate, inaction isn t the simplest thanks to categorical caution (because it leaves the helter–skelter structure of unfashionable laws in place). it might be higher for governments to precise limits of state by inserting limits on broad rules, so as to assure that they ll be reviewed in 5 or seven or 10 years, instead of eschewing such steering altogether. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Role Of Women In Poverty - 1855 Words

Half of the Earth s population from birth is more likely to have less education simply because they are female. This fact overtime has been shown through scientific studies, research, and the analysis of the demographics of those in poverty. Women are less likely than men to get a formal education whether it be at the elementary, secondary, or postsecondary level and therefore are more likely to experience poverty. This trend becomes more apparent in developing (Third World) countries were stereotypes, belief systems, and social constraints can keep women from being able to even access an education. However, when women are given an education, decreases in poverty levels can be seen. For women are then more likely to get higher paying jobs†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, â€Å" studies show that the investment in the education of women is effective in addressing poverty and†¦ a country s goal to advance economic growth and development† (Sheykhjan 47). The effect s of a women s education and lack thereof are varied and each have the potential to be far reaching in the lives of not just women but their families as well and the socio-economic status of future generations. On an international level, many steps have been taken to ensure a trend of continual increase in the numbers of women who not only have access to an education but also do not drop out of school and progress beyond just primary schooling. In the last 5-10 years especially, great emphasis has been placed on the prioritization of the education of women in the agendas of countries and international organizations. In a 2013 press briefing, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, the Executive Director of the UN Entity for Gender Equity and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) emphasized â€Å"facilitating access to education for women and girls is vital to lift millions out of poverty and must be a priority for Governments and international organizations.†Show MoreRelatedThe Multifaceted St ate Of South Africa Underwent Vast Reconstruction1518 Words   |  7 Pagestextile industry in which women were the majority (Schreiner, Mohapi Koppen, 2004). The economic reformations as a result of the liberalization policies implemented created a troublesome environment for already significantly disadvantaged community members. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Glass Ceiling Effect on Women at Work Places-

Question: Discuss about theGlass Ceiling Effect on Women at Work Places. Answer: Introduction Glass ceiling effect is an invisible situation that exists to bar females and minors in workplaces from rising to higher ranks. An inferiority complex is imposed on the aforementioned parties thus regarding them of little or no use to greater plans in the proceedings of the organizations in which they are instituted. This vice extends even to our current 21st century across the globe (Cotter, Hermsen, Ovadia Vanneman, 2001). This term came to be used in the 1980s because of women who joined organizations workforce being turned down towards advancing their career to a certain degree. This in return yielded to the unmotivated female workforce in relation to males. It was viewed that in the event that females would conceive, they were going to take long maternal leaves thus disabling the progress of the firm (Mancuso, 2017). For an organization to achieve its agenda, it requires a committed and productive labor force, thus their absenteeism would halt some organizations plans. When they would report to work from their leave, some would leave the job completely while others would result in low commitment in work due to their maternal obligations. Forms of Discrimination Sexual harassment prevails in workplace whereby it mainly affects those women who hold positions as managers. Most organizations will only rebuke the offender and to an extreme, he is usually fired. Rare cases exist where the offender will be fired for he is stilled perceived as an important asset to the company based on his labour productivity. This inflicts fear on women who play victim since no action is taken upon their offenders. Reporting only brings embarrassment to themselves where fellow workers acquire a topic to joke about (Mancuso, 2017). Boy clubs also affect to a great degree the number of women getting promoted in their career. Either many men will want to promote fellow men whom they schooled together or were former colleagues at a lower level. A result to this is an exclusion of women from business trips and policy formulations without considerations on their qualifications and abilities (Cotter, Hermsen, Ovadia Vanneman, 2001). Job segregation occurs whereby some jobs are regarded manly while others feminine. A job like secretarial is often advocated for women whereby people dont want to hire men for the same. Females will consider these womanly jobs rather than secure a slightly higher caliber job since they wouldnt be acquired leadership positions due to their gender (Newman, 2016). There exist no regulations by the Supreme Court that may adamantly protect women from discrimination (Casadevall, 2015). Womens cases of harassment and discrimination are usually not taken seriously by their superiors who are men. These superiors view these complaints as of lesser weight compared to how women present them. Some even go to an extent of defending the offenders hence creating a scenario where women tend to be wasting their breath. Discrimination may also occur whereby other people may be paid higher salaries than their counterparts concerning gender may or disability may (Dreher, 2003). People who are disabled tend to be viewed as unproductive, which acts a clouded judgment. Strategies towards Empowering Women in Workplaces Implementation of Flexible Family Care Spending. Grant-making institutions allow their grantees to spend some of their grant money to finance for eldercare, childcare or other expenses related to their families so as to encourage traveling to give lectures or even attend conferences and scientific meetings. This policy is gender-neutral and it encourages corresponding grantees a chance to attend courses and conferences, which are essential to the advancement of their career. The IWISE Working Group avows the existence of significant legal and administrative challenges towards implementation of the aforementioned spending. For instance, complications for institutions and investigators must be considered by organizations in relation to laws on income taxes. Regardless of this negativity, they believe that the benefits associated with this flexible spending outmatch its cost of adoption. They thus encourage funders in biomedical research to avail childcare spending within the award budgets of their grantees (Johnson, Smith Wang, 2017 ). Recruit Gender Balanced Committees When considering symposia, conveners and funders should adopt recruitment policies upon selecting a committee which is gender balanced. According to Casadevall 2015, there exists a correlation between a high proportion of participants invited who are females and the presence of at least a woman on scientific Symposiums speaker selection committee. Withdrawal by a female from the committee should require her to recommending three females able to do reviews according to IWISE. They further postulate that a committee should comprise of 20% females. The women indeed happen to be more committed to this task. Incorporation of Implicit Bias Statements. In accordance with previous studies, gender biasedness have been found to exist throughout the society especially in the field of science (Mahr, Hayes, Shanafelt, Sloan Erie, 2017). In order to curb the negative impact of prejudices, unconscious attitude and biasedness, developers of the grants should incorporate into their external review processes program the implicit bias statements. These implicit statements outline the bias to the reviewers for reiteration on the commitment to gender equality by the institution where women should be treated as equals to men. Creation of New Opportunities. In the case of businesses changes, companies should not just wait for male employees to come and fill into the new task. Women who have inspiration on leadership should be incorporated into the system. Given the example of assigning a new director, the organization should increase the number of women seats in the board rather than wait for a man to step down from the board of directors of the company to assign a woman (Belasen, 2017). Encouraging Sponsorships and Mentorships. Companies should encourage all its employees, including women, to find sponsors and mentors who provide them with inspiration towards the advancement of their careers. Mentors will help them contemplate on their career development while sponsors actualize their ideas (Klein, Voskuhl, Segal, Dittel, Lane, Bethea Piccio, 2017). Provide a Network of Support. Organizations should encompass boards to advise women on an enhancement of their career opportunities and entertain both local and national approaches that do support, retain, advance and reward women. This is an effective method to empowering women and challenging them to produce more and effective results in their various fields at their workplace (Belasen, 2017). Measurement of Progress. This aspect entails the evaluation of the productivity of the labour force as a whole. Both women and men are evaluated equally without any gender favor or bias. Companies can consider attributes like attrition, talent acquisition, leadership and career progression. Awarding those with high productivity, a promotion not only brings about equity but also benefits the output of the firm at large (Shafiq, 2014). Advocate for Others Belasen 2017, argued that female leaders should be vigilant in supporting their fellow women in the workplace. Advocating for others creates a conducive environment whereby views and ideas of all employees are listened to in equivalence. Personal advocacy would mean selfishness and violation of the female gender norms whereas considering others is a sense of being nursing and helpful. The breaking of the Glass Ceiling A report submitted by Fortune Magazine dated July 2014 established that there were 51 women CEOs employed in Fortune 1000 companies whereby out of the 51, twenty-four were heads to 500 top companies (Bertrand, Black, Jensen Muney, 2014). Despite these figures seeming worthless, it remains to be quite encouraging to see women stepping up to managerial levels. This trend is an evidence of Glass Ceiling effect but the 5% remains to be an encouraging figure towards breaking of this glass ceiling. The study further discovered that these companies generated a 7% of the total profits of the Fortune 1000 companies. Examples of these companies ran by women are Home Shopping Network, Xerox, and General Motors. The fact that less than a half of these women hold MBAs makes the actualization of being a female CEO achievable. It follows that a great number of women in these Fortune 1000 companies are married mothers thus bringing a picture that women can balance their career and family. They are therefore not open to bias and discrimination (Galam, 2017). An Example of Glass Ceiling in Politics Hillary Clinton advocated for the breaking of glass ceiling in women during her campaign in 2016 to become president. Her official nomination made history in that she became the first woman to vie for the presidency in the United States of America. This nominated paved a path to be followed by women in future assuring them of the possibility of being elected president. As she served as the first lady to her husband in 1995, an event occurred where Walmart banned a t-shirt that showed a character Margaret from Dennis the Menace animated series claiming Someday a woman will be president! in regard that family values were being violated. What resulted in the incidence was complaints that led them to order and selling thirty thousand shirts globally with the same sticker (Cicci, 2015). Conclusion Overall, breakage of Glass Ceiling will come from personal efforts of all female employees. Just as their male coworkers, they should be vigilant to a similar proportion (or even more) for them to be treated with equality. They should consider taking an extra assignment, which will improve their job credibility. Being part of the managerial network creates a responsible attitude such that considerations for promotion become possible. Working in a female-owned company exposes one to some grant programs, which are beneficial to women in particular. References Belasen, A. T. (2017): Exploring Perceptions of Women in Leadership.Marq. L. Rev.,100, 1233. Bertrand, M., Black, S. E., Jensen, S., Lleras-Muney, A. (2014).Breaking the glass ceiling? The effect of board quotas on female labor market outcomes in Norway(No. w20256). National Bureau of Economic Research. Casadevall, A. (2015). Achieving speaker gender equity at the American Society for Microbiology General Meeting.MBio,6(4), e01146-15. Cicci, M. A. (2015).Turning the page: Fandoms, multimodality, and the transformation of the" comic book" superhero. Wayne State University. Cotter, D. A., Hermsen, J. M., Ovadia, S., Vanneman, R. (2001). The glass ceiling effect.Social forces,80(2), 655-681. Dreher, G. F. (2003). Breaking the glass ceiling: The effects of sex ratios and work-life programs on female leadership at the top.Human Relations,56(5), 541-562. Galam, S. (2017). Marine Le Pen can breach her glass ceiling: The drastic effect of differentiated abstention.arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.04643. Johnson, C. S., Smith, P. K., Wang, C. (2017). Sage on the Stage: Womens Representation at an Academic Conference.Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,43(4), 493-507. Klein, R. S., Voskuhl, R., Segal, B. M., Dittel, B. N., Lane, T. E., Bethea, J. R., ... Piccio, L. (2017). Speaking out about gender imbalance in invited speakers improves diversity.Nature immunology,18(5), 475. Mahr, M. A., Hayes, S. N., Shanafelt, T. D., Sloan, J. A., Erie, J. C. (2017, June). Gender differences in physician service provision using Medicare claims data. InMayo Clinic Proceedings(Vol. 92, No. 6, pp. 870-880). Elsevier. Mancuso, R. J. (2017).Leadership: A Mixed-Method Case Study to Explore the Behaviors a Consultancy Firm Managing Partner Uses to Create Meaning in Their Leadershipfor Themselves and Their Followersthrough Character, Relationships, Inspiration, Vision, and Wisdom(Doctoral dissertation, Brandman University). Newman, B. J. (2016). Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Local Gender?Based Earnings Inequality and Women's Belief in the American Dream.American Journal of Political Science,60(4), 1006-1025. Shafiq, F. (2014). Glass ceiling effect: A focus on Pakistani women.IJSR,3(1), 136-9.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Social Media Abuse And Addiction free essay sample

Many dangerous are associated with this condition ranging from numerous disorders such as depression or social anxiety and shockingly even a number of recorded deaths. Though technology has become a predominant part of our life, regulation or moderation is necessary because social media abuse has become more common leading to clinical depression, social anxiety, and a number of recent discoveries including (SHAM) Social media anxiety disorder and (DAD) Internet Addiction disorder. Why do individuals feel the need to share every detail about their personal life on social media sites such as Twitter or Backbone?This is the primary question being researched at Harvard University, attempting to learn more about how this affects the brain, and what motivates those who are involved in the study. Studies prove the direct relation between social media abuse and the addiction chemical known as dopamine, and the effects that it has on the brain. This response, which is triggered, provides the same reaction as positive activities such as making money, eating food, or even sexual intercourse. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Media Abuse And Addiction or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page To monitor the reactions they used advanced equipment such as a MR. machine to scan and locate the specific part of the brain that deals with his response.Researchers noticed an increased amount of abnormal activity in the frontal cortex region of the brain, the area located directly behind the eyes. This indicates an altered chemical state as compared to other forms of addiction such as heroin or alcohol abuse, providing similar results. A secondary experiment was preformed providing similar results showed that individuals gain a sense of reward when sharing a personal accomplishment, task, or ideas with others, proving empathy plays a major role in this category.Diana Tamari, the lead researcher concluded, I think the study helps o explain why people utilize social media websites so often. I think it helps explain why Twitter exists and why Backbone is so popular, because people enjoy sharing information about each other. One result from the extensive studies was the discovery of the psychological disorder known as Internet Addiction Disorder or (DAD). DAD compared to a form of substance abuse results from a similar chemical imbalance, triggered from a happy response.Typically people start out as a casual user then escalate forming a habit, spending the majority of their time on social networks, emails or other websites. It begins interfere with everyday life, including work, school, even social life, creating a second world as an escape from everyday life. Many researchers see this as an individuals way to elude stress, complications, or just to get away. A definite change of mood is observed, beginning with a chemical imbalance leading to possible outside effects on personality or motor skills. As mentioned about SHAM, individuals when confronted by licensed therapist or psychologists attempt to downplay the situation or avoid the topic similar to other chemical dependencies. A few of the negative behaviors include isolation, neglect from tidies/work or even family, and the inability to find pleasure in the real world, as defined in recoverys. Org. 90 percent of the behaviors listed were associated with other dependencies such as drugs or alcohol. Even with these statistics, why is Internet Addiction Disorder not approached with the same assertiveness and timely response as drugs or alcohol, even though the effects are exactly the same? Addiction is the key word in most of the studies conducted, concluding that many individuals are physically not able to walk away from their computers, televisions, I pads, and smartness, constantly being connected. As previously mentioned new disorders are currently being researched including Social Media Anxiety disorder or SHAM. A self-help booklet was found explaining the root causes and how to cope with the addiction when it become too much.However, again many are reluctant to admit to their addiction, no different than alcoholics. Stefan Hoffman, the director of Social Anxiety programs at Boston University explains the root of this disorder, the pressure to reads and respond on Backbone and Twitter and for younger people the stress comes from increased peer pressure as friends share perso nal information online. Individuals feel inclined to post pictures, status updates, and synopsis of every day events and in return expect a flood of response from connected individuals to fuel their anxiety.In other countries, addiction is running ramped, such as Korea where individuals are attended Social Media Boot camp to break their habits Another topic on everyones political agenda these days is the misuse of video games, and if video games create a track record of violence. Many researchers have theories that over time a violent video game can alter a persons behavior, more notably a child. The massacre at Columbine was associated with violent media, as two teens went on a killing spree at a local high school. However as of today, 90 percent of children in American still play video games without much retaliation.While studies may not conclude as of now if there is a link between violence and media, researchers are able to prove that media altars you state of mind over time. Major corporations use advertisements geared towards individuals to place ideas or wants in the brain, similar to media. A study completed surveying numerous amounts of youths concluded that the game environment and character influenced game play. Children were recorded playing certain characters such as superman and the joker. When playing a Hero, researchers noticed that the subjects tended to possess more noble characteristics such as saving lives and helping others.When playing a character such as the joker or villain, they tended to destroy or even kill others proving the hypothesis. Recent studies completed by the American Psychology Association, (PAP) have shown realistic effects cause by video games and media, overused by children. They also were able use these statistics to validate a new psychological addition known as Internet Addiction Disorder or DAD. The effects of this disorder include sickness or nausea, tremors and in some cases anxiety. Try removing a young gamer from a video game in a hurry.You will discover how difficult it is to break the attachment between the teen and the screen. (Illus.). These addicts are connected to their media on the same level as a person would be connected with a controlled substance. MR. scans now are able to show brain activity associated with the addiction leading experts to classify DAD clearly as substance abuse. Studies prove that certain characteristics are associated tit each individual such as the attempt to disconnect from real ¶y or create a getaway. In order to counter the negative media, programs have been created to inform and educate students and parents on the risks of media. They push the issue that kids today have more access at their fingertips than any other education, and with that power comes a need for knowledge. While many of these studies are directed towards adults, children are possibly even more affected by the negative effects of media. Pediatricians are working constantly educating parents, who are responsible for monitoring/ censoring content that their children are exposed to. Children are being exposed to media and content not suitable for their age, earlier and earlier in life, thanks to the advancement in advertisement, videotapes, and the ease of access to the virtual web.Some experts argue that children greatly benefit from the ease of connections to others helping develop social skills, and overall development. While this may be a valid reason, studies indicate that many students log into sights such as Backbone approximately 10 times a day, spending an average of two hours each day on this site alone. Moderation is definitely the ke y during this generation, however many parents use this to their advantage treating media as a babysitter, keeping their children engaged. While they are occupied, they are wasting valuable time that could be better spent reading, studying, or completing schoolwork, which in time is leading to a drop in scholastic achievement that is being seen throughout schools today. Statistics from a prior survey report that 97% Of parents always or sometimes are aware and monitor the games and content that their children are exposed to. However currently even adults spend the most time occupied in the virtual world. While violence is a major content concern, it may not be the most important reason while the ratings should be more closely monitored for younger adults.The top two reasons listed were that they are distracting and could possibly substitute for real life experiences. For those enrolled in school video games take the place of studying or reading a book and when homework is started, many feel too tired to focus or complete the work with the proper amount of effort. Many make the comparison between games and cartoons for e xample, however the interaction with games using a controller pulls an individual even further involved. Empathy also plays a large role in children as well when dealing with motives and making aggressive choices in certain games.When playing characters with moral characteristics such as superman, children were noticed to make more ethical choices rather than when they played evil characters such as the joker. Also particular games such as the Grand Theft Auto or Call of Duty franchise rates these games as mature for specific reasons, leading to a change in mental behavior in younger children. Studies indicate that violence may not be displayed physically as in the game, but a mental change can occur addicting ids, such as adrenaline rush would to the fast action, physical games.Many questions and statements are addressed to researchers pertaining to this issue especially with children. The most common include, the children grew up in the age of technology, and know that it is only a game, able to decipher between fiction and reality. When a child plays these games, their body goes thr ough a number of changes resulting from the stress, competition, and urge to win. These changes although not visible occur with the brain which could be equivalent to a minor form of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PATS) which effects their sleep pattern, and social skills.The game is designed to draw them in with the intense graphics, dramatic music, and stunning visual effects, making them unresponsive to the rest of the world. Many parents also believe they child is mature for his age and able to handle the mature material, rated by a panel of experts due to the graphic content. However many parents are not aware of the specifics of the game, unsure what their child is being exposed to and the harm that could occur. Therefore, everyone should be aware of the consequences ranging from their actions, and when a little becomes too much.Many years of research has been dedicated to solving the mysteries of how the Internet, television and cell phones are becoming peoples life. As previously mentioned this needs to begin with the children as they grow up in the info rmation age, learning the difference between moderation and abuse. Education programs should also be utilized that help inform parents and individuals of the risks and solutions. Expert opinions may always differ ranging from the benefits of media, but statistics continue to show the negative effects and visual data proving substance abuse is not only for hardcore drugs.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Good Friday and Easter

Good Friday and Easter Good Friday and Easter Good Friday and Easter By Maeve Maddox Reader Elaine Peters wonders if the word Good in Good Friday has anything to do with the word God, pointing out that the English good-bye is a shortened version of the once common expression God be with ye. The word goodbye is the result of running words together until theyve dwindled into a compressed version of the original. The English words good and god, however, are not related. Both stem from Indo-European roots. The word god meaning deity, is thought to come from a word meaning that which is invoked. Or, It could come from a different Indo-European word meaning to pour as in the pouring of a libation. The word good, meaning having a desirable quality, comes from a Proto-Indo- European base word with the meaning to unite, be associated, suitable. Like the word nice, good can be used in so many contexts that it is probably a word to be avoided by careful writers. For example, good can have the following meanings: prosperous: He makes a good living. beneficial: Spinach is good for you. welcome: The doctor gave him good news. fertile: The land isnt very good in this area. attractive: Actors must have good looks. genuine: This money is not good. advantageous: I got a good deal on this couch. Among the many meanings of good are virtuous, moral, and wise. One of the meanings of the word holy is infinitely good. From such meanings come the expressions the Good Book and Good Friday. To call the day of the crucifixion of Jesus Good Friday could seem a little perverse, but seen from the perspective of Christian belief, the day marks the salvation of mankind and the triumph over death. For that reason it is called Good Friday in the Christian calendar. The Christian use of the word Easter for the religious celebration of the passion and death of Christ is one of those ironies of linguistic history. The word Easter derives from the name of an ancient Germanic goddess of fertility and sunrise, Austron. Her feast was celebrated at the spring equinox. Anglo-Saxon converts to Christianity adopted the name and, according to the Venerable Bede, some of the practices of the old worship for their Mass of the Resurrection as well. The word east derives from the same word as does the name of the goddess. The German word for Easter is similar: Ostern, but most European languages use words derived from Medieval Latin pascha: French: PÃ ¢ques Dutch: Pasen Italian: Pasque Spanish: Pascua Portuguese: Pscoa* Russian: nacxa [pass-kha]* (with thanks to Andre, Andriano, and Alexey) The Latin word come from a Hebrew word which passed into Aramaic as pasha and from there into Greek and Latin. William Tyndale, translating the Bible in 1530, translated Hebrew pesah as pass over. During the Middle English period, some writers used the word Pasche for Easter, but the pagan word is the one that has survived into modern English. Even though English speakers use Easter as the name of the festival, they do have an adjective, paschal, that has the meaning of or pertaining to Easter. One of my family traditions was the eating of the Paschal Egg on Easter morning. We cut one of our colored eggs, usually a purple one, into four pieces, one for each member of the family. I suppose that an Easter egg hunt could be referred to as a paschal event. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Words with More Than One SpellingThe Possessive Apostrophe6 Foreign Expressions You Should Know

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Two Scavengers and Nothings Changed Essays

Two Scavengers and Nothings Changed Essays Two Scavengers and Nothings Changed Essay Two Scavengers and Nothings Changed Essay Essay Topic: Poetry Both Two Scavengers and Nothings Changed are protesting against issues of discrimination between different classes of society and different races. In Two Scavengers Ferlinghetti is protesting against the inequalities within a democracy, and how its not democratic but more ruled by class. In Nothings Changed we are shown Africa when the apartheid law was still in place and a protest about the way black people are treated there. The imagery used by both poets highlights there protests against the unfairness of society. Two Scavengers is set in San Francisco which is meant to be a democratic society however there is a small gulf in the high seas of this democracy. The use of this metaphor emphasizes how society is still ruled by class. Ferlinghetti says the gulf is small which indicates it should be easy to cross the over to a democratic society. However, paired with the high seas, it becomes hard to cross. It is dangerous to try and break out of the different classes and it is easier and almost safer to remain in the same kind of society. The use of the word democracy is sarcastic, there shouldnt be a gulf in a democracy, especially in a place like San Francisco that should keep everyone equal. Similarly there is an invisible divide in apartheid Africa, shown in Nothings Changed, where although No sign says it is they still know where they belong. Apartheid is over when the poem had been written, however, like in Two Scavengers there is still inequality between the two classes of people. The white people still believe that the black people dont belong there. It highlights the invisible divide between the two cultures. It is meant to be equal now however the black people realize that the white people dont want them and know where they belong. Afrika uses himself in first person to speak for the whole group using the word we. Hes speaking up for the black people and although they are angry at is they accept it. Even though its not a law anymore and there is no sign the divide between them is great. Furthermore Ferlinghetti uses a simile to compare one of the garbage men to a gargoyle Quasimodo. Quasimodo was an ugly character but had a very good heart. This shows that although today society is mostly ruled by appearances, inside some people there can be kindness and compassion. A gargoyle is used to scare away evil in churches. It shows that the man protects the city by keeping it clean. He may seem insignificant and Quasimodo like, but without him the cool couple wouldnt be living in a clean city. Likewise Afrika may be suggesting that the black people are like purple flowering, amiable weeds. Weeds always come back, and can only be removed by properly digging up the roots. This suggests that the black people have roots in Africa and refuse to be taken away. Since the weeds are amiable it suggests they are friendly. The juxtaposition of calling weeds amiable highlights that appearances can be deceiving and although the black people may be trodden on they will still come back stronger each time. In both poems, Ferlinghetti and Afrika use the materials plastic and linen to accentuate the difference between rich and poor. It again shows that although there should be no difference because of race and class it still exists. In Two Scavengers the garbage men are wearing red plastic blazers as opposed to the linen suit the man in the Mercedes is wearing. This links to Nothings Changed where the poorer working mans cafi has a plastic tables top, whereas in the white peoples cafi linen falls off the table. Plastic is a cheap material that is considered unattractive. However it is very hard to tear and break which shows that although society and race considers them to be poorer than everyone else, they are stronger than others. Linen is more associated with richer, well off people. It is malleable and can be shaped into almost anything. This suggests that the richer, higher people in society do what they can to fit in. They change themselves to fit what society demands. In both poems it shows that the richer people have a lot of linen, more than what they need. The man has a three-piece linen suit and in the cafi in Nothings changed excess linen falls from the table. This shows that although its not needed the well off people need to show that they can afford it, and that they are better off than other people. The poets both structure the poems in different ways to get through there protest against inequality in there society. Ferlinghetti has no punctuation throughout the poem except for the comma in the title. The comma could stress the separation between rich and poor and how different they are. The lack of punctuation could show that the cycle is never-ending, and even though the democracy is there it is not enforced and therefore will always dictate how society is. The poem is also laid out in a fragmented way suggesting the broken nature of society. The haphazard lines could also illustrate how fragile democracy is, and how easily it could collapse. With the last word of the poem being democracy it could also suggest that society is built on democracy yet along the way things have changed causing it to become easily collapsible. The lines also overlap but never touch which shows the social divide between both rich and poor. In Nothings Changed the title and the last line of the poem are the same. Throughout the poem Afrika is describing the way that although the apartheid law is no longer in place it still dictates the way society is run, showing that at the beginning of the poem nothings changed and then at the end still nothings changed. By using it as the title and the ending line of the poem it provides a visual image for the reader showing that things are still the same. Also in the middle of the poem there is the two line stanza, No sign says it is: but we know where we belong. It is almost separate from the rest of the poem which draws the readers attention to it. It could be that this is Afrikas main point of the poem so he deliberately draws our attention to it. Both poems show the injustice in the society they live in, and how although the divide was abolished it is still there, invisible but prominent. In Two Scavengers the only thing separating the cool couple from the garbage men is the jobs they do. Both the man in the Mercedes and the young garbageman wear sunglasses, are about the same age and have long, shoulder-length hair. They are both similar yet because of social class the garbage man is considered ugly. This makes us consider the fact that they arent interchangeable. One of them has money and the other doesnt and although that is only a little detail, in a society ruled by class is become a big one. In Nothings Changed the amiable weeds are being outgrown by the Port Jackson trees. They are both plants yet because the trees are better looking, and considered less troublesome they become better than the weeds, indicating the white people are better than the black people.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Wal-mart's Philanthropic Efforts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Wal-mart's Philanthropic Efforts - Essay Example For example, a smart buyer who would want to buy more out of her single dollar can actually meet this need at Wal-mart. It has got all, if not many, for every customer who would want to find more value for their money in today’s highly challenging economy. The main objective of this paper is to examine the philanthropic efforts of Wal-mart and how they are strategically aligned with its core competencies. Wal-mart emphasizes two important philanthropic points in its mission. Save people money There are many ways how an individual can save his or her money. However, Wal-mart emphasizes that each consumer can save their money with its various product and service offerings. For Wal-mart, saving money is associated with a low-priced product. Common sense suggests that money could substantially buy more if the products’ prices are remarkably low. In line with this, Wal-mart ensures that people can still attend to their other priorities by providing or offering those products that of substantial lower prices. For example, a particular consumer who is in a budget requires products that are substantially low in price so that there may still be left for other spending. This means that a one-kilo sugar needs not be too expensive so that there is still a way to buy coffee, milk, and others. However, Wal-mart also emphasizes that saving money is also associated with providing the best quality that customers can rely on. It ensures that customers can really make out the best of its offerings. This means that customers will still enjoy fresh and healthy fruits such as oranges, apples and others. Providing quality to each of its product offering would mean a lot to its consumers, so Wal-mart sees to it that by providing a higher quality it does not only entices people but build up trust among them. So here are the most important points of saving people money, it basically builds up the trust of consumers towards Wal-mart’s product and service offerings. T his in return is strongly aligned with its core competencies (Wal-mart, 2011; Wal-mart, 2010; Wal-mart, 2009; Wal-mart, 2008). Living better To live a better life is another good promise of Wal-mart for its consumers. This is just the result of providing the best and competitive prices of its products for its customers. Wal-mart ensures that people can receive more, but above this is to allow them save even more. Product chain management Perhaps, one may wonder why Wal-mart can remarkably offer lower prices for its offerings. The answer lies on its product-chain management. For many years, its core competencies are rooted in here. It can offer lower prices for goods and other related products because it substantially cut back expenses that may be passed on to the final price of the product. In order to ensure that the market or retail price of the product is low, its strategy is to provide great effort on its product chain management (Wal-mart, 2011; Wal-mart, 2010; Wal-mart, 2009; Wal-mart, 2008). This is remarkably the root of Wal-mart’s core competencies. If it has to be analyzed, the company does not only look forward to how it can stand a cut above the other in its industry, but its aim is to help people save their money so as they could live a better life. Conclusion It is clear that Wal-mart is significantly trying to be a cut above the other in its industry by cultivating its core competencies through its low-price strategy for its product offer

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Issue with communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Issue with communication - Essay Example This not only looks bad from a new customer point of view, but it does not firm up established relationships with current customers. The lack of action on the company’s social media pages suggests that it does not place the role of technology in acquiring new customers very highly. It would useful for Future Shop to also share its Facebook posts on its Google+ page. In this case, the company would gain more followers among Google+ fans because not everyone uses Facebook. It is important that Future Shop caters to all social media networks because some people only use one or two. If Future Shop customers who prefer to use Google+ feel like the company has a lack of interest in them, then this will result in a loss of trust and loyalty from these customers. Communication plays an important role in the performance and growth of a company, and Future Shop needs to realize this if it wants to expand in the future. In a similar way, Future Shop’s LinkedIn page also reflects badly on the company’s image and reputation. On the LinkedIn page, the company mentions that it has more than 10,000 employees, except only 1,581 employees are in linked on the page (this means that only about 15% of employees are connected to the page). Added to this is the fact that the amount of followers is only around 3000, which barely double the number of the employees who are linked on the page. On the career page, Future Shop does not have any activities or job postings to attract new people to the company. Leaving this page blank shows a disinterest in hiring new people. The company does not put in any effort to attract job seekers and/or encourage them to visit the page regularly for any updates about job openings. Also, on the products page, the company does not list any of its products currently for sale. This does not encourage new customers to become attracted to the company

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Auditory Attention Essay Example for Free

Auditory Attention Essay The ability to localize sound sources is of considerable importance to both humans and animals; it will determine the direction of objects to seek or to avoid as well as indicating the appropriate direction to direct visual attention. The precision of sound localization is remarkable, particularly for brief sounds or for those occurring in noisy or reverberant surroundings. While the most reliable cues used in the localization of sounds depend upon a comparison of the signals reaching the two ears, there are also phenomena of auditory space perception which result from monoaural processing of the signals. Localization refers to judgments of the direction and distance of a sound source. Like when headphones are worn, the sound image is located inside the head. Headphones allow precise control of interaural differences and eliminate effects related to room echoes. Using two ears we are able to selectively attend to sounds coming from a particular direction while effectively excluding other sounds. This ability is particularly important in noisy surroundings or when there are several sound sources competing for our attention. Our acuity in locating sounds is greatest in the horizontal dimension, fairly good in the vertical direction and least good in the depth dimension. Aside from this ability we are also able to judge the direction of a sound source and to some extent estimates its distance. Many everyday experiences indicate that auditory localization can be influenced by conflicting visual cues. At a cinema for example, the loudspeakers are usually placed behind the screen or in its center yet the sound still appears to come from the actor’s mouth as he moves about the screen. Similarly, the loudspeaker in a television set is located to one side of the screen but the sound does not appear to be detached from the visual image. Thus, it might be possible that exposure to conflicting auditory and visual cues for a period of time may lead to an after-effect in which the localization of sounds is systematically displaced. This may occur during experiments wherein sound may be generates from one area but a cue may say otherwise and given the effects of practice and priming, experiment results into auditory localization may not be valid. Early findings on the study of orienting pure auditory attention have yielded no significant change in performance. Posner (1980) did not find any advantage in the use of auditory pre- cueing of auditory targets. Others have failed to find a benefit for the detection of sounds coming from expected vs. unexpected locations (Scharf, Quigley, Aoki, Peachey and Reeves, 1987). Buchtel and Butter (1988) found that informative auditory cues provided a benefit in the detection of visual targets; however they failed to find a benefit from cues on auditory targets. Klein, Brennan and Gilani (1987) also found no benefit in the detection of auditory targets with the use of uninformative cues using both visual and auditory cues. However, the use of auditory and visual cues together on tasks has been promising. Previous researches on multisensory instruments have found that it can optimize performance rather than using one sensory modality. Recently Duncan, Martens and Ward (1997) found evidence of restricted attentional capacity within but not between sensory modalities. They presented streams of visual and or auditory inputs containing occasional targets to be identified and recalled, for two visual or two auditory streams they found that the identification of one target produced a sustained reduction in the ability to identify a second target. In contrast, when the streams were from both modalities, there was no such reduction in the identification of the second target. The results suggest a modality-specific restriction to concurrent attention and awareness. The results of this study have important implications for the design of complex human machine interface systems. Systems should be designed to take advantage of the spatial presentation of information to the human operator to enhance the detection rate of critical information (i. e. ; warnings). This findings support Rhodes (1987) earlier work on auditory attention where he reported that auditory attention has spatial constraints. He found that time linearly increased to localize a sound as a function of distance from the point of attention; he further proposed that even for sounds, localization is shifted through logical and topographical representations. Information presented in locations where spatial attention has been allocated has both faster and more accurate response in both visual and auditory modalities (Posner, 1980, Ward, 2000, Spence driver, 1996, 1997a, 1997b). Moreover, even if there is a limited human attentional capacity the nature of spatial attention across modalities suggests that if one modality is overloaded the attentional capacity of other modalities are not adversely affected (Duncan, Martens Ward, 1997). Thus, the best way to maximize this modality-specific restriction is to present information using both the visual and auditory modalities. Flanagan, McAnally, Martin, Meehan Oldfield (1998) found evidence of the usefulness of using both modalities. In their study, they reported that visual search times were reduced when spatially informative auditory information was supplied. They used a spatial localization task in which the search for a visual target was aided by either a visual arrow or an auditory cue. They found both the visual and the auditory cues aided in significantly reducing the search times when compared to unaided search. It is however important that the visual and auditory information presented are detectable and localizable. Hence a signal should be localizable when information presented is critical (i. e. ; location of threats such as enemy fighters, missiles etc. ) and that information presented is expected in that location will improve response time and accuracy (Posner, 1980, Spence and Driver, 1996).

Friday, November 15, 2019

Daisy Buchanans Role in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald :: The Great Gatsby

In one of the greatest works of the Twentieth Century, The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald, there are many dynamic and round characters which greatly add to the story's theme. One character, Daisy Fay Buchannon, is made essential by way of her relation to the theme. An integral part of the plot, Daisy conveys the meaning of the novel, with her multi-dimensional personality and her relation to the conflicts. Daisy Buchannon is a round and dynamic character with many different sides to her personality. Early on in the book, she is portrayed as sweet and innocent. Her white and seemingly floating dress appeals to Nick in this way. She grew up as "the most popular of all the young girls in Louisville." Even then she dressed in white. Daisy also keeps her daughter around as a show toy. Whenever company comes over, she beckons for the little girl to come and put on a little act for everyone. This is symbolic of Daisy’s life; she is kept in the closet until it's time to show off for company, then she becomes radiant and personable. When everyone has gone, she is a bored housewife, of no importance to the world wondering aloud what she is going to do with the rest of her life. She appears to be bored yet innocent and harmless. Yet her innocence is false. Simply a materialistic young girl and has little mind of her own is underneath all of that covering. Daisy rediscovers her love with Gatsby because of his nice shirts and large house. Daisy has been well trained in a rich family. She has grown up with only the finest material goods. When Gatsby failed to contact her, she went off and married another man, without evening having heard a word from Gatsby. All of these many and round characteristics add complications to the plot and dimension to the meaning she adds to the book. The afore mentioned characteristics also help to create some of the main conflicts. Daisy was involved in the conflict between her and Tom. Tom had a mistress and Daisy was upset by it. Another conflict is her love affair with Gatsby. Her apparent sweetness and innocence allow Gatsby to fall in love with her. But her impatience and ignorance of true love or the meaning of truth or compassion allow her to flawlessly marry Tom, without a sober thought of Gatsby.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A Prominent Pilot

One of the most outstanding features of the human nature is to aim to something beyond the everyday live. Have you ever caught yourself at looking into the distant skyline and thinking:â€Å"What is out there?† Have you ever looked up at the deepness of blue sky and dreamed about being there, swimming there, flying there. These thoughts are just dreams for some people but one day they become the reality for the others. Having taken off from the earth once these lucky people decide to spend the half of their lives in the sky – they become pilots. On the way to make the dream come true there are, however, many difficulties.A number of skills and qualities a pilot should have, the knowledge he/she should gain, fears that should be overcame can scare beginners in piloting and prevent them from flying.   How not to give up, how to stay faithful to the dream, and – what is very important – how to become an above average pilot – these are the questions t he beginners should find the answers to.Learning how to get and stay in the best physical and psychical shape for a flight together with finding out about the characters of famous pilots in history can help to picture the portrait of a prominent pilot and thus can show the way to one’s own success.The first key to success at any field is personal skills that can be explored through the social science studies. The psychological and emotional qualities of a pilot, as reflected by his/her motivation and sheer determination to succeed, is the single most important factor in becoming an above average pilot.A good pilot should have a strong character, and the task of social and psychological science is to research what exact qualities one should develop and show how exactly one can do it with particular psychological techniques and trainings.The sociologists can conduct a poll among experienced aviators and even plane passengers in order to find out what qualities they believe to b e important for a pilot to fulfill his/her job duties successfully and to be a reliable team member and caring supervisor. Sometimes these qualities can differ from what we can think.For example, not only the strong character is important but also respect for the aircraft, the crew and the passengers. A pilot should be careful with the navigation, the operation of the systems and the communications, safe take-off and landing, he/she should care about the image of the aircraft and service that is presented.All of these things form a complete pilot’s personality, and the successful future in the profession of aviation depends on it. Thus social and psychological research will help in forming the character of a prominent pilot.The physiological aspect of piloting is vital too. One should consider his/her own health abilities to bear the conditions pilots usually are in. The studies on pilot’s physiology should explore how flight can impact the physical processes in human body.The special attention should be paid at the circulatory system and heart physiology under the stress conditions. It is important also to research the reactions of the nervous system in order to find out how successful one can be in responding the emergency situations and taking immediate decisions. Based on the results of the physiological research, the specialists should work out the training programs, give some advice about the diet if necessary, and general recommendations to help pilots to keep themselves in excellent shape.The best acknowledgment of a prominent person is to be retained in history. The piloting history is the story of courage, adventure, and deeds. Exploring it can give us bright characters of particular airmen the beginners could take after. One can look through the biographies of the most outstanding pilots and find many similarities that made these people worthy of remembering. For example, a society has always acknowledged pioneering in piloting.Thus in 1919 Captain John Alcock and Lieutenant Arthur Whitten Brown were the first who crossed the Atlantic. After this adventure they were received as heroes in London and knighted for recognition of their pioneering achievement. Like these two, the names of other pioneers form the stages of the piloting history. War heroes also take the special place in history.Hopefully there can be found more peaceful areas to succeed at but war deeds are the examples of courage that pilots should have.   Thus exploring the pioneers’ and war heroes’ biographies one can find out about the deeds that helped other people to become prominent aviators.As we can see, succeeding at piloting requires picturing the personality of a prominent airman by means of the sociological and physiological researches together with exploring the outstanding pilots’ biographies.   

Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Timeless Art Essay

The Black-Figure Neck Amphora was attributed to the Affecter in Athens, Greece about 530 B. C. , made of terracotta, with dimension of 5 ? x 10 1/8 inches (The Getty, On-line) This amphora, which used to hold wine and water in ancient times, was found in a Southern Italy grave site but because of its distinctive figures and style, it was regarded as one of Athenian masterpieces. Like most artists, the real name of Affecter is unknown but he left a style of his own. In those years, he worked as potter and vase painter and may have learned his craft from the Amasis Painter, but deviate his approach in the conventional way of potting and painting. During the times when Athenian vase-painters emphasized on the narrative content of their work, the Affecter focused on purely decorative aspects that suit the Etruscan artistic taste. (The Getty On-line). The amphora was molded on a pottery wheel and dried. The maker painted on a glaze and carved designs on its surface and used the red-figure painting method, wherein, after it was fired in a wood furnace, the glaze turned to black and covered the amphora in glaze then erasing parts of it to create finer details. (St. Petersburg Times, On-line) The portrayal of the vase is bizarre but remarkable for Athenian potter of that time. Like any others Athenian masterpieces, this vase is made of attic clay with distinguished red and black color. For years, historians never decipher the narrative story behind its illustrated body but this suits the style of the Affecter who concentrated on ornamental look rather than history behind its times. The vase, though, shows Herakles, now known as Hercules, waving his club, pursuing a centaur, a mythological half horse half human figure. At the back of the vase, Theseus combats with Minotaur. The Affecter also used the old fashioned neck amphora form wherein the neck is highly defined as Protoattic and ovoid in shape (The Beazley Archive On-line). The Affecter modified the vessel, separating the neck and the body by raised rings. Ancient and old fashioned as it is, the Black Figure Neck Amphora is extraordinary with timeless beauty. Its exquisiteness lies on its color and creativity. It is a major consideration that out of clay, two colors will distinguish amphora like this, red and black. And with poise and commitment, the Affecter gave justice to its craft. Using both old fashioned style in creating amphora and adding touch of its modern days, evidenced by adding rings on it, the Affecter is not confined with the conventional way but used his imaginations and skills to enhance its designs. The maker, giving emphasis with Herkales and Theseus greatness rather than detailed information of their winnings over battles with barbarians, is a magnificent touch of this artistic craft. It only shows patriotism more than one time glory. It depicts the maker’s love to its civilization and commemorates it with his trade. It is the prime reason why this kind of amphora is timeless. Presently, it cannot be used as water or wine pot, instead an ornament that would house the beauty of Athens, its rich civilizations, its artistic splendor and its two distinguished heroes. REFERENCES â€Å"The Getty†. The J. Paul Getty Trust. 21 August 2008 http://www. getty. edu â€Å"Tampabay. com†. St. Petersburg Times. 21 August 2008 http://www. tampabay. com â€Å"The Beazly Archive Classical Art Research Center â€Å". 28 February 2008. University of Oxford. 21 August 2008 http://www. beazley. ox. ac. uk/index. htm

Friday, November 8, 2019

Critical Review Historians and the Extent of Slave Ownership in the Southern United States essays

Critical Review Historians and the Extent of Slave Ownership in the Southern United States essays Historians and the Extent of Slave Ownership in the Southern United States Only a minority of the whites owned slaves, at all times nearly three-fourths of the white families in the South as a whole held no slaves; slave ownership in the South was not widespread; not more than a quarter of the white heads of families were slave owners, and even in the cotton states the proportion was less than one-third; in 1850, only one in three owned any Negroes; on the eve of the Civil War, the ration was one in four; and slave owners probably made up less than a third of southern whites. From the US History textbooks in an elementary school to the Civil War journals of a major university, these lines are reprinted and repeated in an attempt to shape the perception of the public and to ease the insecurities of a nation embarrassed by slavery, an institution that supposedly marred its glorious history, or so says Otto H. Olsen. In an article that appears in the journal of Civil War History of 1972 entitled, Historians and the Extent of Slave Ownership in the Southern United States Olsen attempts to challenge the widely accepted notion that slave ownership was confined to only a few southern white plantation owners and that most of the white population was unaffected by it. The author spends nearly half of his thirty-seven paragraph article displaying the past and present attitudes of the general population through several case studies which he lists chronologically and explains in brief detail. He tries to discredit a handful of them while, at the same time, injecting his own views. In an attempt to persuade the reader he sets up his side of the debate by citing a few case studies that promote his hypothesis and concludes by relating some of his own opinions and findings including a study where he makes a seemingly strong comparison between thos...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

AP Test Dates 2020 Complete Calendar

AP Test Dates 2020 Complete Calendar SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Looking for the 2020 AP exam dates? We have the complete 2020 AP test datesas well as advice for getting through the busy May exam season. Keep reading to stay on top of your 2019-20 study schedule and to get tips for dealing with the stress of endless AP tests! 2020 AP Exam Dates Here are the AP exam dates for 2020. All exams take place during the first two weeks of May (you'll receive your results in mid-July). Note that there is not an exam for AP Studio Art, but the portfolio deadline falls during the exam period. All AP test dates have been confirmed by the College Board. If you’re taking two AP classes whose exam times conflict, talk to your school counselor; the College Board will work with you to give you a late testing slot for one of them. Week 1 AP Schedule (2020) Morning (8 am) Afternoon (12 pm) Afternoon (2 pm) Monday (May 4) United States Government and Politics Physics C: Mechanics Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Tuesday (May 5) Calculus AB German Language and Culture Calculus BC Human Geography Wednesday (May 6) English Literature and Composition European History Physics 2: Algebra-Based Thursday (May 7) Chemistry Japanese Language and Culture Spanish Literature and Culture Physics 1: Algebra-Based Friday (May 8) United States History Art History Computer Science A Friday, May 8, 2020, is the deadline for AP Studio Art (2-D Art and Design, 3-D Art and Design, and Drawing). It's the last day for Coordinators to submit digital portfolios (by 8 pm ET) and to gather students in 2-D Design and Drawing for portfolio assembly. Teachers should have already forwarded completed digital portfolios to Coordinators before this date. Week 2 AP Schedule (2020) Morning (8 am) Afternoon (12 pm) Monday (May ) Biology Chinese Language and Culture Environmental Science Tuesday (May 12) Seminar Latin Spanish Language and Culture Psychology Wednesday (May 13) English Language and Composition Microeconomics Music Theory Thursday (May 14) Comparative Government and Politics Italian Language and Culture World History: Modern Macroeconomics Friday (May 15) Computer Science Principles Statistics French Language and Culture Want to get a perfect 5 on your AP exam and an A in class? We can help. PrepScholar Tutors is the world's best tutoring service. We combine world-class expert tutors with our proprietary teaching techniques. Our students have gotten A's on thousands of classes, perfect 5's on AP tests, and ludicrously high SAT Subject Test scores. Whether you need help with science, math, English, social science, or more, we've got you covered. Get better grades today with PrepScholar Tutors. How to Stay Focused During the AP Exam Period It can be tough to manage your time in May and feel prepared for each AP test- whether you’re taking two AP exams or five! I’m actually pretty familiar with the AP time crunch. In my last three years of high school, I had multiple exams every May, and each year had a different but equally challenging schedule. Sophomore year I had three AP tests in one week. Junior year I took two tests in two days. Senior year was more of a marathon: I took four tests, stretching from the first day of testing to the last! Whether your AP schedule feels like a sprint or a marathon, you can expect it to be challenging. From experience, I know it can be challenging to keep your energy and motivation up during the exam period. So my main piece of advice is to memorize your AP exam schedule as early as possible so you can start preparing for May. As an example, if you realize you’re going to have three AP tests in three days, you should get all of your studying out of the way before AP exams start. This way you can focus on staying rested during the exam period and not stress yourself out with last-minute cramming. On the other hand, if you have tests on the first Monday, the second Monday, and the last Friday of the exam period, you should plan to do some studying during May for your last two tests. That said, definitely prioritize the test you’re taking soonest, and make sure you’re prepared for it before May rolls around. Consult the tables above and figure out what your AP exam schedule looks like for 2019. Next, follow our rules for staying focused and motivated during May. #1: Don’t Cram! By May, you should have learned all major concepts and taken at least one practice exam for each AP test you're taking. Trying to pull off last-minute studying during the exam period, such as by rushing through a prep book or taking tons of practice exams, will just stress you out. You’ll study more effectively if you give yourself plenty of time. If you finish major studying before May, you can use any extra time to review tricky concepts and to ensure you're getting enough rest. #2: Focus on Your Weak Points If you have one exam that you know is going to be the hardest for you, prioritize any extra time you have in May toward that test. For example, if you’re taking both AP Calculus AB and AP US History- and you’re pretty confident about Calculus- you can use any extra time in May to keep working on AP US History. Memorize dates, practice essay questions, or review your notes. If you try to spend equal time on every upcoming exam in May, you risk spreading yourself too thin. Again, this is why it's so important to begin studying early so you have enough time to learn all the major concepts for your tests well before May! #3: Timing Is Everything When doing practice sections in April or May- either multiple choice or free response- be sure to time yourself strictly so you're prepared for actual AP test timing. Earlier in the year, it’s appropriate to take a few untimed multiple choice or free-response sections. But right before your AP tests, you need to make sure that you're prepared for what the actual exam timing will be like. Do this, and it'll make taking the AP tests much less stressful, since you'll be used to the time constraints! #4: Don’t Burn Yourself Out If you have multiple exams in a week, or two days in a row (or two in a day!), limit heavy studying during that time and instead confirm that you’re getting enough rest. Right before an AP test, getting enough sleep and eating a healthy, balanced breakfast or lunch will do far more to improve your score than will memorizing a few more facts or doing one more practice test. #5: Be Self-Reflective If you’re the type to obsess over studying and get really anxious about tests, try to actively make time to do something fun or get some exercise in during the AP exam period. Whether that's doing yoga, going for a run, or reading your favorite book, taking time to relax is key, since anxiety can (and will!) negatively affect your performance on test day. However, if you’re having a tough time staying motivated late in the year and have been slacking on studying, definitely take the time you have left in May to do some practice sections or review key terms. Remember, finishing strong and doing well on your AP tests is important to getting the most out of your AP classes! #6: Don’t Forget Your Other Classes Most teachers should be sympathetic about homework and assignments during the AP test period, but you still want to be surethat your schedule isn’t crammed with cramming in case you have to deal with non-AP class assignments, too. Your high school GPA is very important for college admissions, so don't let AP exams completely distract you from your other classes! #7: Remember Your Goals Whether you’re hoping to ace AP Spanish so you won’t have to take a language in college, or you're aiming for high scores across the board to make you competitive for top schools, don't lose track of your goals during May. Even though it can be exhausting and stressful to have a handful of AP exams, make sure to keep your reasons for taking the tests in the back of your mind. This will give you the motivation you need to finish strong and pass your exams! What About AP Test Dates for Future Years? You might be wondering what the AP exam schedule is for 2021 and beyond. Unfortunately, we cannot predict the schedule exactly. This is because the AP Calendar tends to change a bit from year to year. Since there are always slight changes, we can’t say for certain what the 2021 calendar will look like- even though the changes from year to year are often minor. Here are the schedules from the last three years, with changes from the previousyear highlighted in yellow: 2019 AP Testing Schedule Week 1 (2019) Morning (8 am) Afternoon (12 pm) Monday (May 6) United States Government and Politics Chinese Language and Culture Environmental Science Tuesday (May 7) Seminar Japanese Language and Culture Spanish Language and Culture Physics 1: Algebra-Based Wednesday (May 8) English Literature and Composition European History French Language and Culture Thursday (May 9) Chemistry German Language and Culture Spanish Literature and Culture Psychology Friday (May 10) United States History Computer Science Principles Physics 2: Algebra-Based Week 2 (2019) Morning (8am) Afternoon (12pm) Afternoon (2pm) Monday (May 13) Biology Physics C: Mechanics Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Tuesday (May 14) Calculus AB Art History Calculus BC Human Geography Wednesday (May 15) English Language and Composition Italian Language and Culture Macroeconomics Thursday (May 16) Comparative Government and Politics Statistics World History Friday (May 17) Microeconomics Computer Science A Music Theory Latin 2018 AP Testing Schedule Week 1 (2018) Morning (8 am) Afternoon (12 pm) Monday (May 7) Chemistry Psychology Spanish Literature and Culture Tuesday (May 8) Seminar Art History Spanish Language and Culture Physics 1: Algebra-Based Wednesday (May 9) English Literature and Composition Japanese Language and Culture Physics 2: Algebra-Based Thursday (May 10) United States Government and Politics Chinese Language and Culture Environmental Science Friday (May ) German Language and Culture Computer Science Principles United States History Week 2 (2018) Morning (8am) Afternoon (12pm) Afternoon (2pm) Monday (May 14) Biology Physics C: Mechanics Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Music Theory Tuesday (May 15) Calculus AB French Language and Culture Calculus BC Computer Science A Wednesday (May 16) English Language and Composition Italian Language and Culture Macroeconomics Thursday (May 17) Comparative Government and Politics Statistics World History Friday (May 18) Human Geography Latin Microeconomics European History 2017 AP Testing Schedule Week 1 (2017) Morning (8 am) Afternoon (12 pm) Monday (May 1) Chemistry Psychology Environmental Science Tuesday (May 2) Computer Science A Art History Spanish Language and Culture Physics 1: Algebra-Based Wednesday (May 3) English Literature and Composition Japanese Language and Culture Physics 2: Algebra-Based Thursday (May 4) United States Government and Politics Chinese Language and Culture Seminar Friday (May 5) German Language and Culture Computer Science Principles United States History Week 2 (2017) Morning (8am) Afternoon (12pm) Afternoon (2pm) Monday (May 8) Biology Physics C: Mechanics Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Music Theory Tuesday (May 9) Calculus AB French Language and Culture Calculus BC Spanish Literature and Culture Wednesday (May 10) English Language and Composition Italian Language and Culture Macroeconomics Thursday (May ) Comparative Government and Politics Statistics World History Friday (May 12) Human Geography Latin Microeconomics European History 2016 AP Testing Schedule Week 1 (2016) Morning (8 am) Afternoon (12 pm) Monday (May 2) Chemistry Psychology Environmental Science Tuesday (May 3) Computer Science A Art History Spanish Language and Culture Physics 1: Algebra-Based Wednesday (May 4) English Literature and Composition Japanese Language and Culture Physics 2: Algebra-Based Thursday (May 5) Calculus AB Chinese Language and Culture Calculus BC Seminar Friday (May 6) German Language and Culture European History United States History Week 2 (2016) Morning (8am) Afternoon (12pm) Afternoon (2pm) Monday (May 9) Biology Physics C: Mechanics Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Music Theory Tuesday (May 10) United States Government and Politics French Language and Culture Spanish Literature and Culture Wednesday (May ) English Language and Composition Italian Language and Culture Macroeconomics Thursday (May 12) Comparative Government and Politics Statistics World History Friday (May 13) Human Geography Latin Microeconomics There was quite a bit of change in AP test scheduling from 2018 to 2019- nearly half of all the AP exams moved around time- or day-wise (although most of the change happened to tests in the afternoon of week 1). From 2017 to 2018, just four changes in the AP schedule took place. These were as follows: Spanish Literature and Culture switched from the afternoon in week 2 to the morning in week 1 AP Seminar shifted from the afternoon late in week 1 to a morning slot earlier in week 1 Environmental Sciencechanged from week 1 in the morning to week 1 in the afternoon Computer Science A went from a week 1 morning slot to a week 2 afternoon slot There were also some minor schedule changes between 2016 and 2017.The Calculus AB/BC and US Government and Politics tests switched slots in weeks 1 and 2, while European History moved from week 1 to week 2. Lastly, 2017 welcomed the new Computer Science Principles test, which began as an AP course in 2016. If you look back five or even 10 years, the dates change more, and the exams evolve as well. Some AP tests have been added over time (such as the new Physics exams), and some have been taken away, such as French Literature and Studio Art. In short, you can expect the AP test schedule for the next year or two to look somewhat similar to the 2020 schedule- but you can’t do any longer-term planning beyond that! What’s Next? Learn more about AP tests- how long they are, how many you should take, and which ones are the easiest and hardest for students. Also studying for the SAT or ACT? Develop a target SAT score based on your top schools (ACT version here). Studying for the SAT? Check out our complete guide to the SAT. Taking the ACT instead? Then get a complete guide to the ACT. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Film Analysis of Jean-Pierre Jeunet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Film Analysis of Jean-Pierre Jeunet - Essay Example The comparative analysis of the two movies helps us to understand the technicalities used by Jean-Pierre Jeunet in establishing the themes for his movies. Thesis Statement: Jean –Pierre Jeunet uses the help of detailed storytelling and uses cinematic approaches for the establishment of the themes in his movies. The cinematic approach used by him differed in various outlooks according to the subject chosen by him. A Very Long Engagement: A Very Long Engagement by Jean-Pierre Jeunet is another master class created by him. The movie is based on French background and a superb piece of storytelling approach was followed by the director to set the story on pace. The director has taken the help of flash back to depict a part of his story and his class of mixing the two eras falls under a special genre (Hurley). Jeunet has been successful in depicting the memories of the French war by using stupendous location and the use of long shots through the muddy fields. The long shots is panne d at a fast pace with the help of Long cranes which signified the pace of the battle. The choice of exotic location throughout France helps to grasp the interest of the viewers. Locations like Paris, Brittany and Poitiers were used in the movie (A Very Long Engagement  (2004)). The battle scenes used in the movie are supposed to be inspired from the movie Saving Private Ryan. Though the movie is war based, yet Jeunet has been successful in depicting a well composed and a balanced portion of the story as a love epic. The screenplay used was optimally balanced and Jeunet used his master class to combine the two and deliver a master class. In the war scenes the use of sound has been critically and carefully used to give the viewers a raw feeling of the ongoing of a war. The sounds used in the sequence are of high quality. The director places the story in personal vision rather than trying to depict it as a historical epic. The use of color images from the start of the story helps the viewers to land into realism or better termed as cinematic impressionism. At the end viewers are left with multi hued memories. The camera angles used by Jeunet were also very much critical. Wide angled close ups of Tautou is used. The focal length and the height of the camera were carefully studied to get the best view of the shots of Tautou. The director uses a mix of cold colors in depicting the wartime trenches and the warm color to elaborate the peace time. The main tinge of color used in the film was that of the color brown while a patch of greenish brown was used in the war field. The color used is monochromatic and spots of other colors are used. In the scenes of the trench, the face portraying the soldiers is aimed to have a different image than the rest of the faces used in the movie. The aim was to provide a markup distinguish in the faces (Cinematic impressionism).The use of voice over has been carefully handled in the film and its dynamism in the tone of voice was crit ically appreciated. The audio mix used in the film is also stunning. The quality of sound is superb as the rain drops falling in the coats of the soldiers seemed almost real. The use of supplemental material in the film has also been solidly handled (Schager & Gonzalez). The tones used overall in the film are unrealistic and often ranges from golden to sepia to gray according to the varied situations and the plots used in the movi

Friday, November 1, 2019

Fast Food Restaurant and Obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fast Food Restaurant and Obesity - Essay Example 1. The fast food industry spends billion dollars in advertising their products. These adverts manipulate teenagers who increase their spending on food. As a result, they end up consuming junks of food, which may lead to obese conditions. 2. Legal practitioners have realized that the food restaurants are increasingly changing their marketing strategies and introducing healthier products because of guilt (Willensky 309). III. Second Main Point A. 1. Teenagers should be blamed for obesity. It is their responsibility to identify the type of food to eat and of what quantity. 2. Parents should be responsible for their children’s health status. They advice their children to take much of home-made food than fast foods. B. 1. Advertisements encourage teenagers to eat junk food 2. Parents have no time to care for their children, and prepare all meals at home. III. Third Main Point C. Fast food restaurants are to be blamed if their food causes problem due to low standards. D. Teenagers are to be blamed if they fail to control their diet. Their parents should also be held responsible for failing to advice their children on the type of food to eat. 1. Fast food restaurant is both responsible and irresponsible for obesity. 2. Children are responsible for watching over their diets, but adverts allure them to eat junk food. 3. Food industry is held responsible for failing to meet the set standards. B. Food industry should not be blamed for obesity and its related health conditions since it is the responsibility of all American to watch over their diets.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Interview 1 member of the clergy and 1 academic counselor who both Assignment

Interview 1 member of the clergy and 1 academic counselor who both interact with college students Research strategies for self-m - Assignment Example Most college students face various life challenges, especially when they are fresh in college because college life is a transition phase from dependence to independence. It is during college life that new students have to make independent decisions, manage finance and time, interact with people from various social backgrounds and develop their identity. Therefore, college students face emotional, psychological and spiritual challenges. In the two interviews that involve one member of the clergy and an academic counselor, I will evaluate emotional, psychological and spiritual needs of college students. Information obtained from research on strategies for self-management, time management, and learning for college students will be incorporated with the information obtained from the two interviews to create a plan that will meet the emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs of college students. What are the Spiritual Needs of College Students? In an interview with a member of the cle rgy on the emotional, psychological and spiritual needs of college students, it was revealed that college students have various spiritual needs. The clergy, having worked in the institution for several years, has been interacting with college students. ... He confirmed that freshmen need a place to worship. The clergy further said that the place of worship that most college students need should enable them to connect with people with whom they share their faith. This is because college students need enhance their spiritual growth while in college. Do senior college students also have spiritual needs? The clergy respondent to the question by emphasizing that senior college students also have spiritual needs, only that the location and details about place of worship is not a challenge to them because they have stayed for sometime, and they have sufficient knowledge. Given that most people in college have upgraded their thinking, and have learnt some abstract new concept, as students interact with others and instructors, their previous religious beliefs may be challenged and put on inquiry. As result, these senior college students need a place where they can learn about spiritual truth to enhance their spiritual health and overcome any ch allenges to their spiritual beliefs that may be misleading. Senior college students also need to know the truth so that they can make right decisions on the spiritual paths to follow, upon getting sufficient information. The clergy further noted that during his long term service in the institution he had made significant observations. During his interactions with college students, the clergy observed that college students need a stable environment and people to explain and show them the love of Jesus so that they feel they have a place to belong, when it comes to spirituality. What are the Emotional Needs of College Students? My main objective was to