Monday, May 25, 2020

Essay about Gangs - 692 Words

Being that the closest that I have ever come to gangs or gangs violence is in television of movies, this topic intrigued me. What makes a person want to become part of something that is so violent and dangerous? Why would someone risk everything to put their lives on the line for people that are not even their blood relatives? As I read the material that I found in the library about gangs, I found out a lot about how this childrens though process works. They believe that the gang members are their family; to them it is not seen as the sinister organization of careless violence as it is to us quot;normalquot; Americans. To them the gang is their family. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Children are joining gangs at younger ages; our†¦show more content†¦In some cases they are traveling out of state to spread their violence and crime. Gang members range in age from 8 to 22 years old, but there are exceptions. Some gangs have members as old as 40. Trying to explain why children become part of a gang is something that has been a question for sometime. The reason given most often is that gangs to these children are like a family. So many of the gang members come from broken homes, or are victims of child abuse. The gang to these kids believe it or not is like a safe haven from the violence that they see at home. Also the industry can be partially blamed for the increase in children joining gangs. Not to say that just because a child likes quot;gangsterquot; rap and watches violent T.V. shows and movies, that they are going to join a gang. But if you add the violence in the home, abuse, neglect and the media then you have a recipe for a child that will be more likely to join a gang. The main word that I feel can be attributed to children joining gangs or become delinquent is supervision. The lack of supervision by a parent or responsible adult can lead the child to wander and become influenced strongly by the wrong people. The media also glorifies gang violence, with the language, colors, and symbols. In videos we seeShow MoreRelatedGang Report On Gang Groups840 Words   |  4 Pages2013 National Gang Report, gangs continue to flourish, progress, and develop criminal tradecrafts (p. 3). Based on state, local, and federal law enforcement reporting, the National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) calculated that the US gang composition is approximately 88 percent street gang members, 9.5 percent prison gang members, and 2.5 percent outlaw motorcycle gang (OMG) members. Street gangs pose the most violent and significant threat in most communities, while prison gangs are viewed asRead MoreCharacteristics Of Chicago Gang Gangs988 Words   |  4 Pagescharacteristics of Chicago’s gangs of the 1920 was the division across ethnic lines. In other words, representatives of the same ethnic group stuck together and frowned upon the inclusion of outsiders into their gangs. Of course, larger gangs were often multiethnic, but their core was predominantly monoethnic. The same tendency prevailed across the country, as gangs in New York and Philadelphia were also increasingly homogenous. Asian triads, Italian mafia, Irish and Jewish gangs were all incestuous organizationsRead MoreGangs: Crime and Gang Violence1549 Words   |  7 PagesGangs Gangs are a violent reality that people have to deal with in today s cities. What has made these groups come about? Why do kids feel that being in a gang is both an acceptable and prestigious way to live? The long range answer to these questions can only be speculated upon, but in the short term the answers are much easier to find. On the surface, gangs are a direct result of human beings personal wants and peer pressure. To determine how to effectively end gang violence weRead MoreAfrican American Gang Gangs1943 Words   |  8 Pagesis relative in space and time. Gangs are a seen as a deviant subculture within itself. While not all gang members have a criminally deviant agenda, many do perform deviant acts such as graffiti, robbery, larceny, assault, drug deals and homicide. Regardless of what the intentions of joining are, becoming a gang member is considered a deviant behavior in our society. There are different types of gangs such as street gangs, prison gangs, motorcycle gangs, ethnic gangs etc. For this paper, the focusRead MoreThe Violence Of Gangs And Gangs1377 Words   |  6 PagesGangs have become one of the nation’s fastest growing problems within recent history. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about 33,000 violent street gangs, motorcycle gangs, and prison gangs with about 2.4 million members are criminally active in the U.S. today. They use violence to control neighborhoods and boost their illegal moneymaking activities, which include but are not limited to: robbery, drug and gun trafficking, fraud, extortion, and prostitute rings. With as much researchRead MoreU.s. Gangs And The Gangs1317 Words   |  6 Pagesoriginated with U.S. gangs in an effort for drug cartels to amp up and focus on their production, leaving the logistics to the gangs. The drug cartels have chosen to align with U.S. gangs based on similar philosophies of honor, a llegiance, and loyalty combined with similar business practices and levels of hierarchy. The largest U.S. gangs are structured similarly to giant corporations that succeed with levels of management teams with the ultimate goal of profit, U.S. gangs are no different as theyRead MoreGangs And Gang Crimes All Together2177 Words   |  9 PagesI have chosen to write my paper on Gangs and Gang crimes all together. I want to explain the history and reasoning of modern gangs and how and why they came about. I also want to give examples of some of the most common gangs known world wide and examples of the crimes they commit. I will also include insight on the reasoning behind the joining of gangs. Lastly, I would like to go into some detail about the criminal investigation of gang crimes. I have chosen this topic because I believe it is oneRead MoreDo Gang Behavior And Gang Affiliation?1845 Words   |  8 Pagesacknowledge and challenge communities to recognize gang behavior and gang aff iliation. This paper will also describe the culture and what it means to be in a gang; key findings of the research; recommendations the community can employ to remedy the need; and discussions and implications for further study. Keywords: African-American, Black men, Hip hop, Rap music, Nigga â€Å"There are approximately 27,900 gangs, with 774,000 members, impacting towns, cities, andRead MoreClassification of Gangs847 Words   |  4 PagesClassification of Gangs Introduction The problem of classifying gangs has interested both sociologists and law enforcement. For the purpose of law enforcement, a gang is generally defined as an organized group among the members of which there is well-designed communication. This paper evaluates classification schemes from current research for gangs. The objective is to discover the issues and problems in creating classifications for gangs including a definition which delineates what constitutes a gang and differentiatesRead MoreGangs and Injunctions1330 Words   |  6 PagesGangs and Injunctions Criminal activities and gangs have mostly always been an on going problem in the United States. Gangs and gang members are frequently involved with a variety of different crimes. The 2008 National Youth Gang Survey reported that there are approximately 774,000 active gang members in the United States (Egley, Howell, Moore, 2010). The 2008 National Youth Gang Survey also states that there are about 27,900 active gangs in the United States (Egley et al., 2010). The active

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Psychology - Experiment on Stress - 1427 Words

I. Introduction In this experiment we are going to describe stress and prove how can a prolonged exposition to it have a negative impact on memory. The definition of stress used in this experiment is: difficulty one suffers that causes worry, emotional tension or loss of concentration. The reason why this topic has been chosen is because stress is a part of nowadays, hectic society and it has a very noticeable effect on people’s performance, in either work or daily life. The outcome of this experiment could be used in several fields, such as education; to help reduce the amount of stress students deal with, so their grades could be improved. The results could also be used to enhance and boost employer’s†¦show more content†¦Another room would be needed in order to perform the relax therapy sessions that would be useful for the experiment, so all types of equipment related to yoga is needed, such as mats, light weights, etc. The other type of material that is us ed is questionnaires on stress participants may have before performing any activity, a list of words for participants to memorize, and a set of speakers, which will be the actual source of stress. V. Procedures * Gather participants in a room and have them do a stress questionnaire to see what is their current level of stress. * With the results of such questionnaires split participants up into two groups, one including the more stressed people, and the other group the remaining people, participants should remain deceived until the end of the experiment. * Have participants from both groups take yoga classes (or any similar activity with the same purpose) so their level of stress is reduced and partially equal to one another. These sessions should not last for longer than 30 minutes. * This being done, have a brief group interview with them to see whether the relaxing activity was helpful and useful, if so, carry on to next step; if not, record the participants name in order to use this variables as a benefit when evaluating the results. * Make participants memorize a list of 10 words without any external stimuli such as noise or visual distraction, being given noShow More RelatedMilgram’s Study of Obedience to Authority772 Words   |  3 PagesMilgram’s experiment of obedience and outline ethical issues relating to it. Before outlining Milgram’s experiment this essay will look at Milgram himself. ‘Stanley Milgram was born in New York in 1933. 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Abstract Stefan Stern, author of the above cited article, presents information about the highly recognized health psychologist Kelly Mcgonigal. With a Doctorates of Philosophy in Health PsychologyRead MoreSocial and Natural Sciences Essay855 Words   |  4 Pagesaccurate and precise. In other words, knowledge is created on the basis of a rationally conceived design such as an experiment. Experiments are a great example of how action is required to produce or replicate knowledge. Moreover, one necessitates research and a rational design to attain certainty in his or her knowledge claim. Generally, this certainty may be achieved with an experiment. 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Grant’s conceptual model gives us an idea of how stressors, such as major life events, daily1000 Words   |  4 PagesGrant’s conceptual model gives us an idea of how stressors, such as major life events, daily hassles, and chronic life events affect our thought process and psychopathology of any situation (Grant, 2003). Stress is the hormonal response of the body and stressors are the factors that causes the stress (Hammer, Lecture). 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Specific Findings Design The article was separated into 12 sub titles, (Methods, Participants, Procedure, Coding, Statistical Analasis, Results, Stability of Infant’s social stress response between FFSF exposures, Predicting Infant’s Response to the First Social Stress, Predicting Infant’s Response to the Repeated Social Stress, Discussion, Conclusion, References). The methods were only slightly modified from the previous experiment. The mothers and infant’s

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Pearl Harbor A Conspiracy Theory - 1611 Words

Melissa Lupo FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT KNEW ABOUT AND LET PEARL HARBOR HAPPEN IN ORDER TO GET AMERICA INVOLVED IN WW2 INTRODUCTION The event of Pearl Harbor resulted in a surprised attack which took place on 7th December 1941 and raised a lot of questions in those days. Some of those questions still remain unanswered. To analysts, this seemed strange how the Japanese did get to America at this point. The rumors of the conspiracy theories started rushing all around the globe after this deadly happening. The analysis came with the conclusion that the reason for which the Japanese got hundreds of American ships ready for battle was that President Franklin Roosevelt knew the Pearl Harbor attack was coming and he let it happen in order to get America involved in the war. The major news under this title broke when many authors started writing on it being a conspiracy theory. This tragic event resulted in a lot of casualties. It is best described as â€Å"At 7:49 a.m. on Sunday, December 7, 1941, 183 Japanese dive- and torpedo-bombers, accompanied by Zero escorts, launched the first of two attacks against the American base at Pearl Harbor. A second wave of 168 Japanese aircraft arrived at 9 a.m. where eighteen operational warships, including four battleships, were sunk or heavily damaged; 188 aircraft were destroyed. 2,403 Americans were killed, among them 68 civilians, and 1178 were wounded† (Lutton Winter 1991-1992) FACTS REGARDING THE FOREKNOWLEDGE OF PEARL HARBOR ATTACK The following isShow MoreRelatedPearl Harbor Conspiracy, By Japanese Torpedo And Bomber Planes Essay1506 Words   |  7 PagesCarlos Tovar Professor Couey English 103 Oct. 15, 2015 Pearl Harbor Conspiracy On December 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hawaii, was attacked by Japanese torpedo and bomber planes. This attack took the lives of 2,402 Americans and left around 1,282 people injured. The surprise attack caused outrage in the American people, news media, government and the world. The following day President Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed the nation and United States Congress, in response to the attack. In that addressRead More9/11 Conspiracy Theory - Essay 11258 Words   |  6 Pages9-11 Conspiracy Theory. Introduction. September 11th, 2001; two planes crash into each tower of the World Trade Center, one in to the Pentagon, and one â€Å"crashes† in Pennsylvania. The government tells us that the attacks were committed by Al Qaeda, a Muslim extremist terrorist group. That it was a â€Å"cowardly surprise attack.† They do not offer any proof, except, a likely fake, video tape, of Bin Laden; translated by government translators. A pattern? We took the government’s word for it. How ironicRead More The Pearl Harbor Conspiracy Essay2620 Words   |  11 PagesThe Pearl Harbor Conspiracy In the early morning of December 7, 1941 the bombing of Pearl Harbor took place. There was a total of 2,403 Americans killed and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt knew of the attack and did nothing to stop it. He permitted Japan to carry on the attack. There is proof that the president knew of the attack months before it actually took place. He is directly responsible for the lives lost. The U.S. was warned by, at least, the governmentsRead MoreEssay on The Complicated Investigation of the Attacks on Pearl Harbor867 Words   |  4 PagesInvestigations of the events on Pearl Harbor were complicated even more by revelations about the secret MAGIC decryptions. MAGIC was a code name for the information gathered from the translations and decryptions of Japanese diplomatic messages. From around June 1940 leading up to the attack, American cryptologists were able to read a large amount of extremely sensitive Japanese diplomatic messages that caused great concern for the few officials that had access to them. MAGIC was a top secret projectRead More A Government Conspiracy Essays1185 Words   |  5 PagesA Government Conspiracy To most a fairy tale, to some an interesting topic of discussion, however, to a small population, 5 % to be exact, Government conspiracy does exist. How, you might ask, do I intend to prove that indeed government conspiracy is real? I do not intend to prove it. In fact I only intend to inform you of its ever growing ploy of world domination, capitalism and control and open your mind to the idea that government conspiracy is out there. Throughout history as it is knownRead MoreThe Attack On Pearl Harbor1685 Words   |  7 Pages27, 2015 Could the attack on Pearl Harbor have been prevented, or was it a completely unexpected and unavoidable event? On December 7,1941 the Imperial Japanese Navy sent hundreds of aircraft carriers to attack the Naval Station at Pearl Harbor. The question still remains could the attack on Pearl Harbor been prevented or did the United States do everything they could to avoid the attack. There were a number of conspiracy theories about the attack on Pearl Harbor, for example the United StatesRead MoreConspiracy Theories About The 9 / 111227 Words   |  5 PagesConspiracy theories about the 9/11 attacks entered the minds of many Americans as a result of questionable inconsistencies involving several reports from both the investigation and government reports. As a result, groups were formed and documentaries were created. Examples of the documentaries created are Anatomy of a Collapse, 9/11 Commission Report, Loose Change, Pentagon Strike, and The 9/11 Conspiracies: Fact or Fiction. These documentaries include personal testimonies, analysis from both professionalRead MoreWorld War II And The Lies We ve Been Told1330 Words   |  6 Pagesevidence. However, it has been theorized that all of this was fabricated by governments and other people who believe what they have been told. This has led to the development of conspiracy theories which thousands of people worldwi de believe. Some of these interesting yet crazy ideas include the lies behind the attack on Pearl Harbor, the truth about what happened to Hitler, and even that the Holocaust was a hoax. On December 7, 1941, the United States was dumbfounded by a Japanese attack on a HawaiianRead MoreThe Buddha in the Attic by Julie Otsuka693 Words   |  3 Pagesbook then goes through their lives in America, speaking of the different outcomes of each wife. The book talks about their jobs as farmers, maids, and other work they were duped into. The book culminates around World War II where the attacks on Pearl Harbor cause tumult among the Japanese-American population. It starts in the chapter titled â€Å"Traitors† and it details the scare that many Japanese-Americans were spies or informants or somehow against the United States government. There were rumors ofRead MoreThe Yellow Rose Of Texas1198 Words   |  5 Pagesjourney† name from. This portrays a perfect example of how myths emerge from natural disasters like the 1900 hurricane. Texan Doris Miller Shot Down Numerous Japanese Planes During the Pearl Harbor Raid. The excerpt talks about Doris Miller, a mess attendant aboard the battleship West Virginia docked at Pearl Harbor shooting down numerous enemy planes. The myth is that Miller shot as many as six Japanese planes out of the sky despite having any formal weapons training. The number of planes is all

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Social Research for Ethics and Reflexivity -

Question: Discuss about the Social Research for Ethics and Reflexivity. Answer: A research buyer asks for competitive proposals from a number of research suppliers. The buyer takes ideas from several of these proposals without offering payment for the ideas and then awards the contract to one of the research suppliers to conduct the study, using all the ideas. Discussion Ethical issue in this case is that, the research buyer overlooked the patenting policies of the research suppliers as he or she did not pay them for their proposals or apply for their permit to use their data in his study. If I was the manager I would have canceled the contract immediately to first ensure that the data to be used was effectively and legally acquired from the main researchers who were not notified before if its relevant to the study. The situation would have been avoided if the buyer researcher studied the suppliers research data, identified the one he wished to work with and carry on the contract awarding process. To other research data, the buyer researcher would have called the rest appreciate their efforts and request for their patent right to using their data. The organization would be positive about my action as I have followed protocol in giving awarding the contract and also in acquiring data, the future clients also will have trust in my activities (Guillemin and Gillam, 2004). While conducting an online survey for a client, a research firm inadvertently omits several questions regarding respondents demographic data. A researcher discovers this error after the survey is completed and the budget exhausted. She reports this to her superior, who is immediately concerned about possible harm to the firms reputation. The research firms upper management decides to impute (i.e., use some method to guess or determine the values of) the missing demographic data through Internet research tracking and linking data. This practice is only partially successful at reconstructing the data, and the client will not want to know why some data values are missing. Discussion Ethical issue in this case is fabricating or falsifying research data that is against research ethics. As the manager I would talk to the client to allow some more but adequate time to work on the missing data instead of falsifying data. The situation would have been avoided if the researcher in charge would have developed a plan with all the activities to ensure everything was done at the right time and place to give the right results. The Firm management would be overwhelmed by my decision to provide the client with the right information as it will enhance trust and faith to serve their clients effectively. Future client would be happy to relate with my services (OLIVER, 2010). References Guillemin, M. and Gillam, L., 2004. Ethics, reflexivity, and ethically important moments in research. Qualitative inquiry, 10(2), pp.261-280. OLIVER, P. (2010). The Student's Guide to Research Ethics. Maidenhead, McGraw-Hill International (UK) Ltd.