Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Interview 1 member of the clergy and 1 academic counselor who both Assignment

Interview 1 member of the clergy and 1 academic counselor who both interact with college students Research strategies for self-m - Assignment Example Most college students face various life challenges, especially when they are fresh in college because college life is a transition phase from dependence to independence. It is during college life that new students have to make independent decisions, manage finance and time, interact with people from various social backgrounds and develop their identity. Therefore, college students face emotional, psychological and spiritual challenges. In the two interviews that involve one member of the clergy and an academic counselor, I will evaluate emotional, psychological and spiritual needs of college students. Information obtained from research on strategies for self-management, time management, and learning for college students will be incorporated with the information obtained from the two interviews to create a plan that will meet the emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs of college students. What are the Spiritual Needs of College Students? In an interview with a member of the cle rgy on the emotional, psychological and spiritual needs of college students, it was revealed that college students have various spiritual needs. The clergy, having worked in the institution for several years, has been interacting with college students. ... He confirmed that freshmen need a place to worship. The clergy further said that the place of worship that most college students need should enable them to connect with people with whom they share their faith. This is because college students need enhance their spiritual growth while in college. Do senior college students also have spiritual needs? The clergy respondent to the question by emphasizing that senior college students also have spiritual needs, only that the location and details about place of worship is not a challenge to them because they have stayed for sometime, and they have sufficient knowledge. Given that most people in college have upgraded their thinking, and have learnt some abstract new concept, as students interact with others and instructors, their previous religious beliefs may be challenged and put on inquiry. As result, these senior college students need a place where they can learn about spiritual truth to enhance their spiritual health and overcome any ch allenges to their spiritual beliefs that may be misleading. Senior college students also need to know the truth so that they can make right decisions on the spiritual paths to follow, upon getting sufficient information. The clergy further noted that during his long term service in the institution he had made significant observations. During his interactions with college students, the clergy observed that college students need a stable environment and people to explain and show them the love of Jesus so that they feel they have a place to belong, when it comes to spirituality. What are the Emotional Needs of College Students? My main objective was to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Evangelism and my Christian walk Essay Example for Free

Evangelism and my Christian walk Essay Evangelism is a passion of mine and this semester has helped me to develop more as a person and strengthen my passion for evangelism. Usually when you hear the word Evangelism most of the time, you will start to fear because of rejection. During my Christian walk, sometimes I have experienced the fear of rejection as it relates to Evangelism. However, this semester has taught me not to fear. Evangelism is standing up for your faith even if everyone else remains seated 1(Earley and Wheeler p. 32). This semester I have learned and developed new perceptions and challenges about evangelism, which has challenged my way of thinking. At first glance, when you hear or see the word evangelism you immediately think about sharing the gospel and that is true. That is only one part of Evangelism because listening is very important as well. This has caused me to think differently about Evangelism because now I understand how important it is to listen to people while witnessing. Evangelism can be challenging but the way I look at it now is that I have a part in fulfilling the great commission at all cost. Evangelism is about relationship building that involves changing a person ability to trust and receive the gospel. This course has reminded me that Evangelism does not come without great sacrifice. It requires you putting forth effort and work to share gospel with someone that does not believe. Anytime you deal with people and sharing the gospel you have to be patient. It has challenged me to become an effective witness for Christ because as I grow spiritually it is a reflection of Christ. This semester has reminded me that there has to be a balance between the incarnational and information Apologetics. Many people say that Christians are hypocrites because their lifestyle does not line up with what they are professing. My lifestyle should reflect what I am professing in my Christian walk. The scripture tells us in James 1:23-24 and it says: 23 For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass:24 For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. 2Therefore, many times people will not pick up a bible and read it but they will look at my lifestyle of a Christian. As you go through a course like this, it will cause you to look within to see if you are doing your part to help further the Kingdom of God. This semester has challenged me in so many ways to seek God more than ever and pay closer attention to the needs of others. God has called each one of us to spread the gospel whether it is in the workplace, community or other countries. Sometimes we forget the importance of evangelism and just leave it to the Pastor or other ministers. However, as part of the body of Christ, I have to be willing to hold myself accountable and be willing to meet the needs of others. Learning to love people where they are is very important and this course has showed me that I have to go where the needs are. Evangelism is investing your time to minister to others and there is a great reward seeing someone gives their life to Jesus. At times, I have taken the need to listen to others for granted but listening is important to the lost. Never underestimate the role of listening in building an evangelistic relationship,3 (Earley and Wheeler, p. 123).The scripture teaches us in James 1:19: Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath. 4Through this course, I have found that barriers can hinder you from being effective in servant evangelism. As it relates to my Christian walk, I have found that I have to confront those barriers that hinder me in my serving. Sometimes we can think we are super Christians and do not have any problems or need help. Nevertheless, it is a good idea to be transparent to those that do not believe and let them know you can relate to them and love them where they are. This semester has been  a revelation for me in my spiritual walk and building relationships with others. I have taken what I have learned in this class to bless others and encourage them that they can make it because God loves them. During the times of witnessing and servant hood, I have found so, many people that just want someone to listen and love them. My perception of people has changed because now I feel that I am more compassionate now, sensitive to the needs of others, humble, loving, and willing to be servant. My Vision for Evangelism My vision for evangelism is denying self to serve and be reflection of Jesus as I minister and love others. I would like those attributes to be a part of my daily life and walk in the fruit of the Spirit so, that other people will feel the love of God. I have gained so much knowledge from this course that I can take what I have learned and apply it in my own life to become a better person and to help others. In my Christian walk, my vision is to look for ways to be a blessing to others and to make an impact in my family and community. Also, ministering the word of faith thereby, changing mindsets and lives. Therefore, to help equip the believer so that it will cause them to live according to the word of God. However, there are a few changes I feel that I need to make in my life to be more effective as a witness for Christ. Some of the changes include reading the word of God more, seeking Gods way, being obedient, and trusting God. I can make an impact in my family by living the word of God before them and loving people where they are. Sometimes reaching your family can be hard but I believe that if I will be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and trust God, I can make a difference in their life. Evangelism is a way of life for me and it is priceless. I count it an honor to take part in what God is doing in some else life because at some point I was where they were. I remember that someone took time out to witness to me and let me know that there is hope in Jesus. Therefore, I am thankful to God for allowing me another opportunity to change and get on the right course. Role as a servant Servant hood is about demonstrating the character and qualities of God. Taking on the heart of servant requires unselfishness, not looking for promotion or pay, honors God, and reflects Jesus. My role as a servant  requires humilty, sacrifice and it breathes the very heart of God. We can consider the humblest servant of all; Jesus despised, mocked, and rejected. Serving can be hard but it means I am putting Gods plans and purpose above my own. Being a servant can affect my ministry in so, many ways by having these characteristics making myself available to God to serve, do what is needed, even when it is inconvenient, see interruptions as an opportunity to practice serving others, pay close attention to the needs of others, and no task is beneath me. The scripture says in Matthew 23:11-12, 11 but he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.12 and whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.5My attitude as a servant will d etermine how I see things and the effectiveness of my servant hood. You should be able to identify a servant with Jesus because of the lifestyle he or she lives. Another important Characteristic of a servant is that I need to be open and teachable and sharing the gospel with joy. True ministry to others, ministry that was modeled by Jesus Christ, requires you to minister as a servant6 (Leach and Wheeler, p.5) A servant must have a willingness and desire to serve so, do not miss an opportunity to serve and provide some immediate relief for someone else. Many hurting people need what God has placed inside of you so you can be a blessing to others. Vision for future ministry God has placed some abilities in me that I can contribute to ministry, community and the marketplace. My future vision is to teach and empower believers in the state, surrounding areas and the nation in making disciples for Christ. I must lead by example in order to make disciples and it should be the responsibility of everyone to make disciples. I envision more unity in the body of Christ so; we can make an impact as we allow the Holy Spirit to change peoples heart and mind. The Scripture teaches us to tell others about Jesus Christ. In addition, while sharing the gospel is wonderful, it is simply not enough. We should continue to encourage and invest in new believers because many do not know where to begin to seek God. Evangelism will always be a part of my ministry and should be for other ministries as well. The way I look at evangelism is that if we stop evangelizing then the church stops growing both spiritually and naturally. God has commanded each of us to be a witness for him and we should not hesitate at this opportunity  to do his will. Some of my plans for evangelism include going out in the community and building relationships with people and lead them to Jesus. I would like to start a small group that will meet on a regular basis and have a nice fellowship but encourage each other. Sharing the gospel requires us loving as Christ has commanded us to do. I believe I have to stay focus on what God has given me to do. Most people are busy but not effective due to a lack of focus. Therefore, I cannot let someone else negative opinions of me become my reality. That is very important in evangelism because you may not always be received everyone all the time but I must stay focused. In the book Family to Family, it put emphasis on the family and individuals developing their relationship with Christ through some basic principles such as; spending time alone with God, prayer life, studying the word of God, accountability, and discipleship (Pipes and Lee, p.13)7 In conclusion, evangelism is a joyful experience, telling the good news; meeting people and helping them exchange their religion for a relationship with Jesus. It is my desire to spread the gospel with a passion to reach the lost with confidence and love. I believe as I continue to follow Jesus and be humble I can make a lasting impression on someone. I truly, have been blessed by taking this class and interacting with my classmates. Bibliography Earley, Dave, and David Wheeler. Evagelism ISHow to Share Jesus with Passion and Confidence. Nashville, Tennessee: BH Academic Publishing Group, 2010. Fay, William, and Linda Evans Shepherd. Share Jesus Without Fear. Nashville, Tennessee: BH PublishingGroup, 1984. KJV Holy Biblbe. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1987. Leach, Richard, and David A. Wheeler. Minister To Others. Nashville, Tennessee: LifeWay Press, 2009. McRaney Jr., Will. The Art of Personal Evangelism Sharing Jesus In A Chaging Culture. Nashville, Tennessee: BH Publishing Group, 2003. Pipes, Jerry Dr., and Victor Lee. Family to Family Leaving A Lasting Legacy. Lawrenceville,Georgia: Jerry Pipes Productions, 1999.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Sapphos A Prayer To Aphrodite and Seizure Essay -- Prayer To Aphrodit

Sappho's A Prayer To Aphrodite and Seizure Sappho wrote poems about lust, longing, suffering, and their connections to love. Her poetry is vivid, to the point where the reader or listener can feel the sentiments rising from the core of his or her own being. The poetry truly depicts a realistic picture of the bonds of love. Through the subtle differences of the poems, "A Prayer To Aphrodite," and "Seizure," Sappho conveys the intensity of the longing and suffering of love. In "A Prayer To Aphrodite," Sappho is offering a prayer, of sorts, to the goddess of love. She doesn't directly describe the pains her love causes her: she suggests them, and allows Aphrodite to elaborate. She mentions the grief one feels at the denial of love, but that is all. She implies that she is living in darkness, without this love she so desires. Aphrodite comes to her -- taking pains to do so -- in all her splendor. She knows immediately what Sappho wishes of her. She has been there for the same purpose before...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

What time you call this?

She returned a few seconds later, there was a little glimmer of satisfaction on her face. She paused in the centre of the' hall, as though wondering what to do next. Then, suddenly, she turned and went across into her husband's study. On the desk she found his address book, and after hunting through it for a while she picked up the phone and dialled a number. â€Å"Hello,† she said. â€Å"Listen – this is Nine East Sixty-second Street . . . Yes, that's right. Could you send someone round as soon as possible, do you think? Yes, it seems to be stuck between the second, and third floors. At least, that's where the indicator's pointing . . . Right away? Oh, that's very kind of you. You see, my legs aren't any too good for walking up a lot of stairs. Thank you so much. Good-bye.† She replaced the receiver and sat there at her husband's desk, patiently waiting for the man who would be coming soon to repair the lift. â€Å"What time do you call this?† she said The repairman replied, † well sorry for running late but my car broke down† â€Å"Oh well don't worry but I will not be paying you full price† she declared He replied in a rudely manner â€Å"Okay madam, I'm really sorry, it wasn't entirely my fault† She interrupted â€Å"Quick, quick!!! I'll have to dust the house before my husband comes home, im tired as it is† The repairman started fixing the elevator, it was continuously playing up. the repair man said â€Å"this is too dangerous to be in use and someone should have been called out weeks ago other than that it should be working in any second now† She replied, â€Å"Oh thanks dear, I shall be paying you nineteen dollars† â€Å"Oh yes that will do† he said with a disappointed sigh. The repairman started fixing the elevator, he took out a few tools, a spanner, screw driver and a hand drill, he tried and tried to open the jammed elevator but it wouldn't open, Mrs Foster saw this so she offered to help, † do you need help there mister?† â€Å"Well†, he said with a surprised face â€Å"mrs I haven't got the right tools so ill have to come back tomorrow† â€Å"No you will not!!! I need it fixed now, so it will get fixed now also I have some tools under the sink in the kitchen† she declared Ill have a look, hopefully you have a crowbar, that's all I need† he replied Fast, fast I don't much have time,† she said. So the man got the crowbar, put one end in the gap and put all his weight in the other , Then a little gap emerged and a sudden stench infested the nose of the repairman. â€Å"Orrghh that bloody smells† he shouted â€Å"What, what is the matter?† She shouted Mrs foster then went towards the elevator and said â€Å"open up we'll see what has made that ghastly smell if you be quick† Then man opened up the rest of the lift so they could see what in the lift. â€Å"Oh my little smooch, my cat, my cat its dead† she wailed â€Å"I better get a bag† he said with a confused face. He got a bag for the cat. Mrs foster was surprised and disappointed, and she showed a glimmer of dissatisfaction, the cry sounded rather unreal, not usual cry that her pet had got stuck in the lift and died but an obvious exaggerated cry. â€Å"Here's nineteen dollars,† she said â€Å"Oh thanks, hopefully no problems should reoccur† he said So the man left the house, she was slightly upset. She got in the elevator and went up to her bedroom, she put down the suitcase and lied down on the luxurious bed that she had, it consists of a king bed, which had a crown looking thing at each corner of the bed. Half asleep she heard a creeping noise of footsteps; she thought it was nothing but her mind playing on her. The noise got closer and closer, but she was getting sleepier and sleepier. With her eyes slightly closed she could feel a shadow over her, She reluctantly opened her eyes and to her amazement it was Mr foster, â€Å"Its alright your safe with me, go back to sleep† he muttered While she was falling into deep asleep, he quietly went to the closet and opens the draw He took a sharp object and walked over to the bed was went towards Mrs foster, put his hand in a plastic bag then stabbed her in the neck.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

No Texting While Driving

Do you own a cellophane that you use on a dally basis? If yes, then think about where and when you make use of it. At work? At home? While cooking? Any free time that you can get your hands on your phone? What about when you're DRIVING? Because cell phones have become such a necessity in the world that we live in, people cannot go for long periods of time without turning to them to text, check Faceable or make a call. This impairs our Judgment and we don't always pay attention to the danger we put ourselves In when using cell phones.When the driver takes his/her eyes off the road to complete another task, almost all of the focus needed for safety is compromised. This is even more evident when he/she decides to read a text message and respond to it. This leads to a lack of visual focus on the road, one or both hands off the wheel and the mind thinking about the conversation on the phone instead of the surroundings of the vehicle: â€Å"For example, studies using a naturalistic method ology suggested that relative to interacted drivers, those drivers who text are 23 times as likely to crash,† (Wilson, Stepson).All of these factors add up to the formula of danger and disaster, which can lead to extremely brutal and even fatal accidents. Different people and organizations have taken it upon themselves to raise awareness about the dangers of testing and driving. A great example of this is the At&t 90 second documentary. It tells three different stories in which three different people were killed because of testing and driving. The stories were told by the family members of those who were killed. Two of the tragedies included the drivers who were testing and driving to be killed.A third included a car hitting a man on a bicycle because the driver was testing while driving (â€Å"Testing While Driving 90 Sec Documentary Preview'). These are personal stories being told by real people who have been affected by the negligent acts of the drivers behind the wheel. T hey hold a lot of power In them because It makes the audience think about their own lives and how they would feel If they were put in the same situation. The â€Å"No Testing while Driving† campaign Is necessary because there are constantly headlines in the news about the fatalities due to testing while driving.The communicators are the families of those who have suffered and experienced the pain caused by the minor act. Their loved ones faced untimely deaths, which could have been avoided. They are trying to tell the rest of the world that no text message is worth dying over. They have been through the worst kind of pain and there Is no coming back from It. They will always feel that emptiness Inside of them. The audience is anyone and everyone that owns a cellophane and drives a vehicle. Everyone at one point has sent a text message while driving.People think that Just cause they were successful once, that they can do it again and not worry about losing focus while driving. This is not the case. It is also why we need to continue sending these messages to everyone to avoid such accidents. Cellophane companies have made a point to make commercials for the television to audience rethink their life and what is really important. We feel sympathy for those who have suffered and perhaps try to change our habits to avoid a similar fate. The cellophane companies also appeal to ethos. This is because they are credible sources.They are selling products that are being used by millions of people around the world. Carriers such as At, Verizon, and Sprint are well known, well established and trusted throughout the world. People rely on them and therefore those companies can have a major impact on changing the way people behave behind the wheel. Furthermore, on a smaller scale, schools and colleges have started to extend the campaign towards their students. Student leaders hang posters throughout the campuses and keep coming up with new ideas to promote safe driving . One of the ideas is the thumb bands that say â€Å"TAXING KILLS.This is extremely clever because people buy the bands and wear them on their thumbs so when they are driving and decide to pick up their phone to text, they will see the message on the band and decide against it. All these strategies are bringing all of us one step closer to making the world a safer place for all of us. Individual people, families, students and major companies can all make a difference. Whether it is on a minor scale or a major scale, every little bit helps. Every life saved is a reason to celebrate. Don't text and drive. Stay alive.